Matt Dean

Don't forget John Oliver as the amoeba professor from "Anatomy Park".

*sees giant Summer in the trailer*
Well, that just fulfilled somebody's fetish.

*sees "Dear White People"on the list*
Ya think this means AV Club is gonna finish their TV Club reviews of the series?
*blares uproarious laugh track*

Boy, Kelly's new stint on NBC has been kicking off on a high note, huh?

Wondering the same thing. Apparently they can release like six Orange Is The New Black episode reviews in a row but they can't even finish up this series.

Titus character acting as an elderly Southern black woman on Xan's show absolutely killed me. I must have replayed that moment at least ten times I was laughing so hard.

The "Baby Linda" subplot resonates with me on a personal level because I have a baby cousin named Linda, and she was named after my aunt. It's an old name but it was a deliberate choice.

It wasn't in this episode, but "Kimmy Jimmel" was great in the sense that it took like two seconds before I got the joke.

During the last scene of the finale I noticed the camera steadily zoomed in on Jake's face during his breakdown. Keep in mind the show is filmed in a "shaky cam" style and it's almost never still.

When Cat recognized that James was Guardian just by looking at his eyes in last week's episode, that was my first red flag that she knew Kara has been Supergirl this whole time.

For what it's worth, this has been the most invested I've been in Agents of SHIELD since it first aired. The Ghost Rider storyline was the real start for me, and this past LMD/Framework/Agents of HYDRA story has been the icing on the cake. I'd even say that I've looked forward to it more than the more ho-hum episodes

Between Ted, A Million Ways To Die In The West, Dads, the Cosmos reboot, and this, it's funny how there's been more emphasis put on Seth McFarlane's non-Family Guy projects over the last six years. The show is still on the air but it doesn't seem like anyone talks about it anymore. It's just there.

I saw that, too. The premise is enough to make me want to watch the pilot at the very least.


Fair enough. Thought it's clear Glover has the most going on right now.

You're trying to tell me CBS' geriatric and predominately white demographic didn't keep this show afloat? Bull.

Ironically, Donald Glover seems to be the only Community alum doing incredibly well for himself, what with his hit FX show "Atlanta", his upcoming roles as both Young Lando and Simba in the Han Solo spinoff and Lion King remake respectively, and his upcoming role as a writer in the animated Deadpool series for FXX -

Well, if the nostalgia factor didn't already sell me on this movie, Weird Al sure as hell will.

I was watching this episode while I was working so Aida Ophelia's violent 0-100 meltdown caught me completely off guard, and I mean that in the best way. For so long she's played a literally emotionless robot that seeing her emote intensely is genuinely unsettling. For that matter, her amassed Inhuman abilities

Hearing that feminine voice coming out of the middle aged, mustachioed dream version of Poovey's future self is so hilariously jarring.