Matt Dean

Aww, I loved his work on Community and The Soup!
Too bad he's in a shitty CBS comedy about millennials, though.

Shit, season three really is going to be the darkest year of their adventures.

Deadpool and Nick Fury: The Movie. That's basically what it is and I'm hooked.

I for one am glad we won't have to spend three to four episodes of Gina in a hospital bed following the aftermath of the bus incident and we jump right into braced up, haloed Gina busting several moves in pure agony. This show.

Man, not only did Agnes die in the real world, but she died again in the Framework.
That's rough, buddy.

Mark my words, this is going to be the greatest film of 2010!

Aida's pretty gorgeous once you get past that whole cold, homicidal, psychotic, non-human moral dilemma. Otherwise I don't see why not!

If this marks the definitive end of the show, then so be it. New Girl began when I started my first year of college and a few weeks from now it will have been two years since I graduated. Having the loft mates slowly grow up in their individual ways would be the perfect way to cap the series.


Just release Captain Underpants into theaters already, you asshats.

True. I didn't think we'd also get his middle name though.

Going into the episode I unabashedly thought Schmidt's name would be revealed to be something feminine and abnormal for a man, like Priscilla. Incidentally, that happened to be the name of the waitress revealed not even a few minutes later in the episode that Jess' dad ended up boning.

That's fair enough for me!

For the longest time the voice of the Judy and the voice of the mom from last week's episode was bugging me because I knew I had heard her voice from another show. Then I went on IMDB and learned she's also on the Nick show "Harvey" Beaks where she voices the titular character's mom.

Okay, the "Make Daxam Great Again" and "Daxam was never great" lines were just way too on the nose for my sensibilities.

It's the forehead wrinkles. That's what made me scroll back up, do a double take and go "what the fuck".

Wait, I thought this movie was about Gru fighting 1980's Randy Marsh? This looks like a trailer for a totally different movie.

Honestly the reopening of the play doesn't feels like it should have happened. Even after the film critic subplot came and went, it felt like it was rushed through just to see Kevin get called by Ron Howard…and yeah, I've also been kinda waiting to see Sloane blow up at Kevin again after all these weeks, but it feels


Girl is a furry, confirmed. I guess. I don't know how that sort of thing works.