Matt Dean

Yo Yo Ma?

Ugh, thank you. Exactly what was going through my mind as I was scrolling down the list.

The catch is that Malory replaces Sterling as the main character, who is still dead.

That story still disheartens me. Who the fuck even knows who Tiffany is nowadays?

KaptainKristian's videos are fascinating to watch and have a sense of professionalism missing from most content on YouTube. I could watch him make a documentary on just about anything.

Boy, this Robert Zemeckis adaptation of Yellow Submarine took a weird turn.

That gives them enough time to release…oh, two Minions sequels and another movie with talking animals voiced by A-list actors, probably.

You might as well have cats and dogs living together. Mass hysteria!

Damn! I was looking forward to watching "Justice League: Fall of Snyder"

One has to wonder if Dan Aykroyd gave a glowing review to the Casper reboot he happened to be a part of way back in 1995:

That part when Marshall Lee pretended to be a guy named "Michael Dean" made me heart jump…because my little brother has the exact same name. Spooky.

As I was watching the episode I was wondering why it got a C as it generally appeared to be servicable season finale stuff - then the last two minutes happened.

*Jeff Goldblum walks near Thor: The Dark World and rips his sunglasses off as he stares blankly*

When all is said and done, I still hold interest in seeing this movie, yet I can't help but be fascinated that the first trailer got an astronomical number of dislikes on YouTube. It's not flawless, but the fact that people hated it that much is astounding.

"Oh, my aching tentacles."
-Agent Squid Ward

Barry and the STAR Labs gang defeat Jay by letting Kaitlin inadvertently trigger painful memories of his childhood through an unassuming conversation. Wally and Jesse exchange a kiss and their powers are unlocked through the Speed Force somehow. They both collectively beat the shit out of Jay

So instead of getting a potentially bland female antagonist who could have at least introduced some gender diversity in her role, we got a thoroughly bland male antagonist whose name I can't even remember. Got it.

Between ABC's string of twelve second promos and this, I can't believe I'm actually leaning more towards NBC at the moment. The Good Place and This Is Us both look like shows that I would legitimately watch.

Well…at least Black-ish and Agents of SHIELD are still on.

I guess NBC realized how badly they fucked up when they passed on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and decided they wouldn't let that happen a second time.