Matt Dean

*sits in an obscure corner of a bar and makes eye contact with Bobbi and Hunter*
*raises glass to them and gets choked up immediately*

The only difference with "Super Watermelon Island" is that I remember the general plot hours after I've seen it, and will likely remember it a week from now.

Supergirl gaining new life on a different network? That's great!
The lingering possibility that the show's fight scenes are going to suffer greatly because of the budget constraints? That's…not so great.

I honestly never realized that anyone under the age of 60 cared about Archie. I guess the new generation of fans has to come from somewhere!

At least Agent Carter kept me engaged and entertained throughout its entire run, which is more than I can say for that other Marvel series on ABC.

Shame. The show started out a bit rough, but eventually got better and really benefitted from the new showrunner making things less cynical.

Grandfathered didn't even get an AV Club review for its season finale this week but I'm going to post my thoughts about it anyways:

King Richard had a dragon, but ABC had a bear :(

I must've noticed that when I was at least four years old. Granted, I wasn't proficient in voice actor trivia, but it was so obviously not Jeremy Irons.

There's probably a Who song for this…somewhere.

Or the fact that her hair can go through her shoulder

At this rate, I think Steven Universe has replaced Adventure Time as Cartoon Network's breadwinning flagship series, and rightfully so. That doesn't make the wait in between bombs any less excruciating though.

It looks like an iOS icon, if that constitutes as an offense. But I don't even use Instagram, so why should I care?

It's pretty clear that the the cityscape and the logo were all comprised of tangible things, but the color strobe effects?!? Good lord. This intro may have debuted a full decade before I was born but I can still appreciate the hell out of it.

Coulson Universe?

And that, kids, is how Billy became an idiot!

I watched the premiere of this show online, and it wasn't bad! It's actually kind of refreshing to have a current Nicktoon that doesn't suck.
(I do like Harvey Beaks and Pig Goat Banana Cricket, but still.)

Between Kimmy's saccharine turned gory animated fantasy world and Mikey's puppet grandma, this was the episode that made me realize how much different this season was from the first.

"Why put off for tomorrowday what..you could say…nnn…todayday?"
That line alone deserves to be put on a plaque and framed on a wall.

Between the graying sideburns and the voice of Chris Parnell, Warren is probably the closest thing to Cyril Figgis in Bob's Burger's style as we're going to get. I've always wondered how the rest of the Archer cast would look in their universe ever since that Archer/Bob's Burgers "crossover" many moons ago.