Matt Dean

If I'm going to be honest, I've really been enjoying how much development Morty has received since last season. He's gone from being highly naive and panicky to only slightly less naive and much more tolerant to Rick's sci-fi shenanigans to the point of annoyance/indifference more than actual terror.

Could have sworn Mr. Poopy Butthole was the host alien parasite the whole time and that he deliberately bled real blood to prevent blowing his cover, but I guess not. I don't even know with this show anymore. Anyways, the final moments with a teary eyed Beth struggling to pour herself a glass of wine sold the scene

I've seen Roiland post about Nintendo handhelds and whatnot on his Twitter account in the past, so I feel that entire bit with Rick shelling out to buy a bunch of 3DSes was a little more than intentional. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it was entirely improvised.

Because you can't spell "Community" without "Unity"!

Eh, it's probably for the best. The first two seasons were great, but the third season was just okay and I just stopped watching at some point because I was so disinterested in getting caught up. Besides, Neely has a brand new show so I can't feel too bad for him.

That CG Jabba makes me wanna vomit. HURRRGH

Man. If the show never returns for another season, I think I'll be more than satisfied. It's so weird to think how pissed I was that NBC cancelled it but this episode capped things off pretty nicely. This season as a whole just got progressively better as it went on.

I rebuke the thought that Uncle Grandpa is in the same caliber as Cailou and Barney the Fucking Dinosaur. But it's only #7 on the list, so I guess it could always be higher…?

That moment when the camera was panning around her face in the cold open is when I first got chills.

Okay, Skye's off hand remark comparing Raina to Sonic the Fuckin' Hedgehog caught me completely off guard, and it's funnier because of it.

Looking back I only now notice that fake [Hannibal Bates] Wells took his glasses off with his left hand before entering the room. Now that's attention to detail.

I was hoping the other portion of Dean Pelton's sexuality would be revealed to have something to do with his, uh…fascination…with dalmatians. Maybe at a later date. Maybe not at all?

I enjoy Steven Universe for combining pathos and comedy seamlessly and Uncle Grandpa for its goofy, rapid fire absurdist humor - ergo, I am very excited for this crossover. These two shows don't seem like they'd mesh well but it's a lot more fitting than most people would care to admit.

I laughed for a good hard minute after Elroy just stared at Frankie after she said she didn't have a television. I thought my computer had frozen, it was so well timed.

My favorite thing about this article has to be that the headline doesn't even give the dignity to acknowledge Lucas by name, which is likely well deserved considering how hypocritical and asinine his remarks were.

You're telling me the customer's name was Ricardo and they called him an asshole when they could have just called him "Dickardo"? WASTED OPPORITUNITY.

Boyle had so so many good lines in this episode. I friggin' lost it when he compared the taste of antique stamps to a "horse lollipop".

I rewatched the Jazz Fit segment at least five times because that song was so catchy. The 80's VHS feel was dead on and the juxtaposition between the eerie thriller atmosphere was just right, so kudos for great execution. I found myself enjoying this episode a lot more as as whole than the past few episodes to be

That little squeal that came from Jess when the biking team narrowly dodged her reeeeally made me laugh. Bonus points for the very last biker knocking her down at the last minute.

I may have always knew him as the voice of Shaggy, but I'll be damned if he doesn't have a smooth radio voice. It's a shame to think that his daughter lost her own dad on Father's Day.