Matt Dean

PLOT TWIST: the box will be voiced by Pharrell Williams, singing about himself in commercials.

I know AV Club is more or less divided about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (when they're not making thousands upon thousands of Agent Ward joke names), but this finale hit so many high notes for me and left me very satisfied.


Between Gayle Force Winds and True American, I can't tell which game is more spontaneous and improbable.

I only watched ADHD for Axe Cop, I'll be honest. Hopefully that will be one of the shows to get some love.

Except this one was intended to be completely canon with no irony whatsoever.

This whole episode was just one overly long Treehouse Of Horror segment, let's be honest.

Not only did the "sexy spy" line allude to Archer, but Bob also ended up getting a tattoo on his back near the end of the episode. Coincidence!?!

I don't know what else I can say about this that hasn't been said already. The finale was handled extraordinarily well and it definitely raised the stakes for the next season. I can say without a doubt that B99 has easily become my favorite new show of the Fall 2013 season. I'm just glad this isn't the last we see of

No Peralta, Jefford's biceps weren't mocking you.

PLOT TWIST: It's acidic.

Here's hoping we get to see the Parr family aged in accordance to the first movie a la Toy Story 3. I for one am excited to see what Jack Jack will be like as a moody, rebellious teenager.

I think the greatest thing about this episode is that Adult Swim actually uploaded the whole thing to Instagram three days before it aired via 110 individual fifteen second clips. It was as amazing as it sounds.

Yeah, I see that now, reading the comments right after I posted my own. Haha. At least we're all on the same page.

Just so we're clear, I'm not the only one who got an "Of Mice And Men" vibe from Lizzie's execution scene, right? People still read books?

I had to re watch Santiago's breakdown several times on an account of how animated her face was. It was kind of uncanny, really.

This project better be a Koogler movie or I will be severely disappointed.

I had a bad feeling Boyle's relationship was going to have some sort of ironic (probably not the word I'm looking for) twist to it. Instead of being infatuated with Diaz, he's just lying about her to his fiancé and now Diaz is in on the secret. Boyle is getting married to Vivian, Diaz will likely be channeling her

Archer implying that Cyril having sex with Lana would be considered "interspecies breeding" has to be one of the funniest lines I've ever heard from this show.

Soooooo it's a Hancock sequel. Yes?