Matt Dean

As many laughs as I had, something about this episode felt lacking compared to the many episodes that have preceded it. Maybe it's because there wasn't much of a plot. I do think it did at least deserved a B. And hey, Boyle is seeing someone! And she shares the same passion for food as he does! And he's not pursuing

Amazing how it took a cocaine addiction for Pam to become skinny. That's one sight I never expected to see.

Only McDonald's fries have the potential to do that. Even then, not really.

Of course they were never made of pink froyo. Some people will believe anything posted on the Internet. My only regret is that I'm seriously craving McNuggets now having watched that video. HNNGHHH.

I know it wasn't on everyone's mind, but that cover of Stevie Wonder's "I Was Made To Love Her" playing in the background when Jess finally told Nick she loves him drove that moment home for me. It's a wonderful song and a nice touch for the scene.

*plays The Price Is Right losing horn*

I think the only thing I loved more than how genuinely hysterical, heartfelt, and disheartening this episode managed to be in half an hour was all of the little references and callbacks scattered throughout.

Maybe it's because I'm actually from the Detroit area, but I got a ruse out of this episode. On the other hand, Jess watching a fictional Pistons game in this episode alone is still more Pistons than I've watched in reality over the past few years.

I remember when I posted on one of the recaps that I was glad the bet subplot from the pilot had (seemingly) been dropped entirely. Little did I know the show-runners had other plans…

*shoop shoop shoop shoop*

I LIKED the first one and I think this is ridiculous.

Why is a third one being made.

Maybe it's because I was in a good mood today, but watching Peralta and Judy's "Fievel Goes West" reenactment and Holt guilt tripping Jeffords into not taking the puppies home left me in a laughing fit. Somehow Holt referring to the puppies as "small dogs" made it even funnier.

How do we know this show isn't actually about a deranged Fred Rogers expy played by Eddie Murphy?

The irony of "Introduction To Teaching" getting an A- is astounding. I know the author mentioned it but I chortled when I saw that.

Are we just not going to acknowledge how catchy "Jingle In The Jungle" is, even for a Bob's Burgers song?? No? Well, okay…

Two words come to mind: "untapped potential". This sounds like it could be amazing, but I fear that it won't be.

I'm glad an AV Club review acknowledged how the whole "Peralta/Santiago date contest" plot was left in the pilot. The show would have been much different if it stuck, and not in the greatest of ways.

I must have watched that scene at LEAST 15 times.

I loved how during Peralta's sarcastic thankful speech ("people stuff themselves and then at midnight they run to appliance stores and trample each other to death"), you can clearly see Gina cracking up in front of Peralta as he begins to fake cry.