Drunken Irishman

You're boring…but also replying to someone named Gentle Herpes. Which is amusing. So, I'm conflicted.

Does VH1 still do the 'I Love the XX' shows? Because if so…

I'm just popping in because of my avatar.

Most likely right. I'd also like to say that I didn't find the show particularly good, despite the fact Gaffigan's stand up can be funny. It was a boring show. So, really, it's no surprise it's been canceled.

Another one that just hit me: Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead.

I'm not even sure if it actually takes place in summer, but I'd say another Richard Linklater movie - SubUrbia.

Clinton is our generation's Calvin Coolidge, which means Bush is Hoover.

SLC destroyed in any movie is must-see TV.

It was a messy presidency on the heels of the president she served resigning in disgrace. Hell, she was facing complete economic meltdown by election day, needing to bail out the big banks (I can only assume it was just as bad as the '08 crash), so, I could see why she'd go down in history as ineffective and lose

You've got to really, really mess up for me not to enjoy a Halloween-themed TV episode. This was a home run, though. I loved it. I hope this is something The Simpsons do more of in the coming years for Halloween because while the THOH episodes are still fun, many don't even revolve around Halloween anymore.

Early Edition. I used to watch that shit with my grandma all the time. That voodoo cat brought him the paper every day.

I miss Weeds.

The most offensive compliment I ever received was that I looked like John Travolta.

Acid rain. Drug addiction. International terrorism. Freeway killers.


They almost ran it on election night in 2012.

I disagree with your Roseanne choice. While it's good - the best Christmas episode is No Place Like Home For the Holidays. It's a hilarious episode where Roseanne, Jackie, Bev and Nana Mary are stuck at the Lunchbox celebrating Christmas Eve after a snowstorm. Seriously, it's one of the best Christmas sitcom episodes

I hated Santa Claus: The Movie growing up. I mean, HATED IT. Whenever it was on, I just wanted to hang myself. I would go out of my way to avoid watching it. I think I even remember staring at the wall as the family watched it one day because of how god-awful I found it.


The long lost Michelle Obama Whitey tape.