Drunken Irishman

I can't wait for the official porn parody - Too Many Cocks.

My mom did take me to see Interview with the Vampire when it came out. That was weird (I saw it with her and my aunt).

Well Roger Ebert did give it two-stars, which isn't good … but for this genre of flick, not terribly bad, either.

There was some good nudity early in the movie. But I was disappointed. Same story with Casino. My friends and me went to the theater solely because Sharon Stone was in it and, well, we expected boobs. We got violence instead. It wasn't bad, of course, but I wanted boobs.

Yeah. My mom really didn't give af what I watched just as long as it wasn't rated beyond R (ha, even she had her limits). I remember when she let me watch Basic Instinct and Disclosure for the first time. Good times.

I remember searching the cable guide for HBO movies that had 'N' for nudity and having my mom record 'em since they generally aired really early in the morning when I was sleeping (she'd get up to see my dad off to work).

My parents couldn't afford much but they somehow managed to get us cable growing up. But all our movies were recorded off HBO or the free Showtime previews.

Late fees? Psh! That ain't how the Drunken Irishman clan rolled back in the 90s. We just recorded our shit off HBO.

My childhood right here. I loved Follow That Bird and Muppets Take Manhattan (I know, not Sesame Street, but still…). Ah, to go back and watch those old VHS recordings on my parents' living room VCR.

I am so goddamn excited for this. I remember the first season and thought it was one of the best written, cringiest, most awkward shows on television - and I loved it. I didn't even know they were bringing it back until I saw an ad for it watching tonight's new South Park.

Simpsons already did it (calling Florida America's penis, err, wang).

Simpsons already did it (calling Florida America's penis, err, wang).