
It's like the Grey's Anatomy of Fairy Tale shows!

This is the kind of thing where maybe nested parentheses can help.

Wait - there's articles?

The first part of Michener's Hawaii tells exactly this story.

It's pretty refreshing that the Myst reboot doesn't have to be grim and dark.

Oh my God, I also love the Eiffel Tower. But, but does that mean…?

Because I get a charge out of it.

Then well see you in circuit court!

Try to resist them.

Why do these French people have English accents?

You card!

It made it as far as Chicago, too.

No, no, he's doing great - really making a comeback.

Can't upvote this enough. I haven't lived in Chicago for two decades, and still I will go on to people about Harold's.

I don't know this name, but let me guess - a Flat Earther?

It's like Data's emotion chip!

I remember watching the Highlander TV show in the 90's, which was occasionally pretty bonkers fun, especially in the alter seasons. Anybody have any impressions if this is worth revisiting, and if so, how?

No love for Gino's East?

Do either of them bend unexpectedly in this version?

He wasn't even doing the real Macarena.