
And he wants a donut with the little sprinkles.

Or worse, a string theorist.

Bah blah blah…

Reverend Tim Tom? Is that you?

Dick van Dyke? Fury? I didn't think those concepts went together.

But what if Ditka was three inches tall?

How about Sarah Paretsky? Are the V.I. Warshawski novels still sold in airports? I think those are good reads.

Random comments that mean nothing

In Soviet Russia, supporters trump you!

Remember the Thor movie where he aimed his arrow at Thor but didn't fire? Classic stuff!

The aliens give her the super suit, but she loses the instruction manual!

Squirrel Girl!

He won this episode, I would say.

Haven't seen this since season 2, and I'm almost afraid to ask: where's Diggle?

You are absolutely right, that is a great scene! I admit, I also took tremendous satisfaction at the end of the movie, where Clark re-visits the diner to deliver a little comeuppance.

Yes! Coconut porter can be awesome. Never heard of the peanut butter variety, but I'd like to try it now.

There is no third planet! There was — but not any more!

That would have been great, but then you'd have to lay the groundwork and see more of what makes Krall really tick, and they sure didn't want to waste time with that.

i liked this one pretty well, it certainly wasn't the insult to Star Trek that the second one was.

If only.