
Take a few more cuts. I bet you can learn to at least make consistent contact, if not hit as well as on the right.

I was hoping this would be the Quark reboot we're all waiting for.

Figuring the amount of salary per line, Hamill set an unbreakable record no matter what he was paid.

Good luck! I was disappointed when "Boom goes the dynamite" didn't catch on.

But in fairness he had the Rockies behind him, which made blowing a lead pretty easy.

Well, you have her number, what are you waiting for?

Strictly speaking, the Rockies, at 1-1, are on a pace for .500. I'm willing to live in this fantasy place for another day.


I always thought Nietzsche's use of the phrase was meant to imply that the idea of God is dead, and that humanity should just give it up. I really like Stackpile's observation, though.

Thanks! This looks pretty good, I'll put it in my to-read list.

Sorry about your grad school experience, but you may make a great resource for the rest of us. Can you recommend a good history of the Cold War for general readers of history, not experts?

Like bunnies and kitties do!

What this app supposes is … what if you do?

I still appreciate the link from its original context. Thanks, cappadocius.

I don't know why, given that it says "history" right there in the title, but I expected this to be a novel with Lois Lane as protagonist. And come to think of it, why isn't there a novel with Lois Lane as the protagonist?

I only caught this a few times, in hotel rooms. But my impression was that they were way more into blowing stuff up than into really exploring some idea. Made worse by all the re- and over-explanations of what's going to or just blew up.

How about showing this as a double feature with Inherit the Wind? Teach the controversy, and all that.

Also, she's a witch!

I hope you will relish it as much as he.

What was all the gold-pressed latinum for, then? It may be true that Starfleet officers on a Starfleet ship would have their needs taken care of on board, but this doesn't translate into a moneyless economy for he Federation at large.