

JJ Abrams, with lenses flaring.

Get this man a raise and a corner office!

But surely you can understand what Drew her to the work.

Bouncing Boy agrees!

"Who's scruffy looking?"

Of course, the worlds's biggest diamond! It all makes sense now!

Perhaps she's a muppet.

Lalalalalalala I can't hear you!

Do they go into a bar?

Sloow Dowwn!

Slow down!

Quite an improvement!


To say nothing of Mr. Bean!

They might be, CineCraft… they might be.

I like it! What would be the harm of, for instance, featuring Adam West in an episode of Arrow?

This is why I read the comments sections of articles I don't care about. This is one of my favorite threads yet.

But Doctor, I am Pagliacci!

Rock it, man!