
"… the bit where you forget what you were thinking of when you started the thought."

I hope you have fun together!

Thanks, this made me chuckle all afternoon.

Yes, the music is pretty interesting, but I can't tell in that video what language she's singing in.

Whoops, got them confused with the guys who replaced my timing belt.

So I was watching an old episode of Sabrina the Teenage Witch the other day with my 13-year-old daughter. On the show, there appeared a performance by N'Synch, who I guess were big at that time. I told my daughter they were the Maroon 5 of their day, and she objected vociferously. "These guys are terrible, not at

This sounds great, I was somehow completely unaware of this author. Any other recommendations of her work?

In Army I was in Hero Squad, which was pretty cool.

Enough to go see a Star War.

"Do you bleed, Godzilla? You Will!"

Surely the Alternate-Universe Colonel could be disarmed with a delicious Hostess Fruit Pie?

What is Colonel Sunder playing in that picture? A long-necked mandolin? He truly is evil!

I came here to say the same thing, thanks for putting it better than I was going to. Sagan expressed genuine wonder for the universe, and got lots of people excited about science and rational thought.

I don't know what this means, but it's my new mantra!

I didn't see Man of Steel, so I don't know: does Superman have the power of speech?

Thanks everybody! I had had my eye on the Edmonson/Noto books, but your opinion decides me on getting them. Also will keep an eye out for Name of the rose

This is as good a place as any to ask: what Black Widow graphic novels or reprint series do you all recommend?

Much obliged, I'll check these out!

I completely agree. Do you know of a good album of Cohen covers?

Ah, I didn't see the apostrophe at first. I thought they meant sexy ship names like Pequod or Arizona .