
Weir is interviewed in this month's Popular Science , saying that, yeah, basically, no sandstorm on Mars would be that powerful, but it was such an exciting event that he did it anyway.

My wife and I are taking our first crack at Arrested Development - and loving it! How was I not aware of the genius of Will Arnett before this?

Noooo! I'm really looking forward to more Arrow. Well, there's still Flash to enjoy, I hope.

Thanks for the replies, Guy and Mind. Sounds like something I can catch up with on Netflix after finishing season 3 of Arrow (assuming they ever get season 3 of Arrow).

I haven't seen this yet, is it worth picking up now?

Speaking of peaches, they go amazingly well on pizza!

Congratulations, this is the first post I ever wished I could upvote multiple times!

Seriously, what happened to peer review? Remind me not to publish in that journal.

Will these covers make Taylor Swift "cool" again?

Oh crap, I thought this was Bryan Adams. I don't actually know who Ryan Adams is, so dealbreaker I guess.

It's turtles all the way down!

Was it maybe The Closing of the American Mind?

And that's all we heard about Brenda and Eddie.

I would watch that!

I'll meet you at the summit, Gramps!

Wait, are you referring to Sinatra or Shatner?

Holy cow! I never realized this, but Sinatra was born 50 years before me, to within a week. This album must be relevant to me now.

They were the Cincinnati Reds, and they would go on to win the World Series.

Well, not to be immodest, but I guess I did kind of set the action in motion.

Good for them, this is fantastic!