
But I — Am — the — Creator!

Thank you for this link, this is hilarious!

Please tell me this is on YouTube.

What if he dies? He's worth a lot to me.

I'm glad to hear this. I too don't quite have the virtuoso ear, but compared to a lot of other players I'm kind of blown away by Martin.

"How can you tell it's a mail plane?"

My hand is up, I loved that show as a kid. Robert Culp was terrific, and Connie Seleca made for one of my first celebrity crushes.

How can you just walk away from me, after bringing that up?

Great to see this show mentioned here. My pre-teen daughter is really into it, partly for the teenage stuff, but I'm glad to have her catch some of the absurdist humor too. Much better than letting her watch, say, teen shows on the Disney channel.

Mr. Bean in church.

There's something wrong with the header picture. It looks vaguely like Star Trek, but somehow not quite…

I am always attracted to this for the world's fair stuff, but turned off by the serial killer aspect, so I've never read it. Did you find it worthwhile for those?

Okay, stupid question here: Don't we get to watch Youtube videos for free? How does he make money from them?

CNN is the name of my new stoner metal group.

Road trip!

I also loved dog scientists working on the doorknob principle, and one of hem wistfully stares out the window at a cat.

Local Dog Owners Demand to Know, "Who's a Good Boy?"

Wine has no hops, dammit! There is no comparison here!

Is the yeast ALIVE?!

Neat! Make sure to get shots of the bowling alley.