
Michael Dorn's second-best role was as the sandman in the Tim Allen Movie The Santa Clause 2 . Surely there could be a standalone Sandman movie?

Yes! At 2:00 it's the big Doorknob!

I am!

I hear you!

Yeah, it's the antithesis of humor.

"I haven't seen Dr. Kimble all day." Best line of the movie.

You are right, they went much more in a Start Trek like direction, right down to the stoic alien crew member.

You're exactly right. I still chuckle about how they let me in carrying what appeared to be a full box of corn flakes, or whatever it was.

Ha, I did the same thing in the original run. I sneaked a Radio Shack tape recorder in, hidden in a box of cereal, which I swore was "just my snack." This is now one of the stories my daughter uses as evidence that "daddy's weird."

D'oh! Okay, here's the proof:
- There exists at least one post.
- Every time somebody posts, somebody replies to that post (AVClub Postulate).
- By induction, there exist infinitely many posts.

I was a math major and I double checked it — you're right!

It's a miracle!

So is this basically Spaceman Spiff?

Plus, she's the Queen of Mars!

Agree with everything said about Phineas and Ferb (except the name of the band, which is actually is Love Händel). Doofenshmirtz is a wonderful character, wildly clueless, yet you still feel sorry for the guy. Aren't we all a little Doofenshmirtz once in a while?

General, I think maybe I can no longer kneel before you.
Oh no, wait, I never got into Community either, maybe I should come with you.

The Big Doorknob - it's just plain big.


Please tell me you kept up with Parks and Rec, though.

I have to admit, the people who go on and on about how soccer is so much greater than baseball — soccer! — kind of get to me. Almost any other sport, if I happen to be in a position to watch it on TV, I can enjoy it, but not soccer.