
Could that expression be any more annoying?

Rockies fan here. Our strong start was a little shorter than usual. We are now back to normal, blowing games with poor pitching. Back to you, dodgers and Padres.

The Adventures of Hucklegumby Finn

Anxiously waiting for the gritty reboot of Steamboat Willie.

But surely he will resist!

Nope. You're not going to get me to google "skritchers." Nice try, Dude.

I know - he'll be Arne Darvin in the remake of the Trouble with Tribbles. A Klingon - but not quite a Klingon!

I once watched all three Star Wars movies back to back like this, and even that was too much. I just couldn't care at the end whether they blew up Death Star II or not. Can't imagine what 11 Marvel movies would feel like back to back.

Whoah, I got to this thread late. Hope I can ketchup.

I suspect it's a question of scale. Everybody knows that you can breed dogs, but they are all still dogs and it seems intuitively somehow like no big deal. But real natural selection, which produces genuinely new species, works over time scales we just can't really grasp. In this sense evolution is "nonintuitive,"

I still feel as if your point of view works over the long haul. We have finally, as a species, pretty much agreed that the earth goes around the sun. We are making inroads, 150 years on, in accepting that living beings evolve. Global warming is at least discussed openly now, and assuming we survive enough

But give it one last good proofread first!

Hey me too! It's also Walt Disney's birthday.

But apparently you get three covers for that price now!

Season six, the show is going downhill fast, "The Crap"

So this is a choice made by Lee himself, and not some kind of general movie slang?

What does "joint" mean in this context? Why in the second sentence is this called a joint, rather than a movie? What is joined to what?

Upvoted for Jerry Orbach, who was awesome. I always wanted him to play my dad in the movie based my life, but alas, it was not to be.

That would have helped them pass the Kobayashi Maru.

Yeah. Upvoted for Boddington's.