
That's an edgy choice! Most people with go with oyster crackers there.

I believe Wings was the show that taught me to sing, "walking in our winter underwear," to the holiday classic. I'll always remember it fondly for that alone.

Broca's Brain was pretty awesome as I recall. Sagan was also keen to debunk pseudoscience, so he goes into a lot of depth on subjects like, Velikovsky's idea that Venus (the planet) was somehow spontaneously ejected from Jupiter (again, the planet) sometime within human history. Any astronomer knows that this is a

Sidekick: Bouncing Boy!

"What about ro-bot with a human brain?"

My sister-in-law had tickets to that show, definitely before the whole thing blew up It's money down the drain for her.

Sorry folks, I had to look up who this Paul Rudd is. The only thing I've seen him in is Parks and Recreation, where he was very good.

I'm not familiar with this game. How do you win a point?

"Tom put all of my records into this rectangle!"

Well, dangit, I remember being underwhelmed, but not exactly why. Now you've made me want to watch it again.

I don't disagree, but the Incredibles never went into the negative zone. Imagine an FF movie with all the right character notes and family bickering, plus a real, Kirby-inspired cosmic attitude.

I've been recently re-reading some of the old Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four material, and it make me angry — very angry indeed — that nobody has done anything worthwhile with this material. Nor, I guess, is likely to.

It saves time. He might as well just throw a dart at them to decide.

And waay behind Galaxy Quest.

The reviewer fails to mention that this movie is really funny. At one point Allen dangles from the roof after an abortive attempt to mount a Chirstmas decoration. His line delivery, "No, I was attempting suicide. I must have read the directions wrong." is hilarious.

I think you must mean, "a lot of bacon and eggs."

Well, (SPOILERS!) he gets off Mars at the very end of the book, but not back to Earth. So presumably this sets up a sequel for problems encountered on the way home.

Yes, good point. A completely different direction this could have gone is watching the guy deal with the absolutely mind-numbing loneliness and despair of his situation, and in the hands of the right author that could be mesmerizing. But instead you get, "oh, twisted my back, I'd better take it easy a few days."

The diner! The hotel!

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