
Awesome! Unlike me, you can probably figure out what your dish actually needs, going beyond "a little more salt."

Cooking is a great hobby - you've got to eat anyway, right? Might as well make it something interesting.

Keep at it! Of course it's hard to find the time and the energy, but by golly it's worth it for the days when something really comes together. I've been plunking away at the banjo for a couple years now, and I'm on the wrong side of 40. (Hard to argue whether playing banjo counts as "self-improvement," though.)

Well, I kind of want to see that "Ego" show, now. Maybe a miniseries?

You've got me beat by one, sonny, and that's only because Taylor Swift appears everywhere.


I always assumed the Emperor had that giant Death Shaft in his office because he generates so much scrap paper.

Now I'm goin' outside to have a nice cold beer in the shaade.

This is a travesty! The Santa Clause 2 is my very favorite Christmas movie, and I'm successfully convincing my daughter it's hers, too. It's worth the whole damn movie just for the scene where (spoilers?) fake Santa drinks the cocoa.

I'm from the midwest, so when I get a hankerin' for some midwestern cuisine, this is my go-to place. This, and Country Buffet.

Upvoted for "more bitter than Pete Rose outside Cooperstown".

Thanks, I kneaded that.

So it goes.

I can't help but notice that the Abrams Star Trek reboot is sitting at a cool 95% at RT. So there goes that as a reliable resource.

Or for Macs? Seriously, in the 90's I was used to the fact that many things were available on Windows only. But today?

Love the underdogs, hate the Giants, so yeah, go Royals!

Maybe in a wacky buddy-cop picture with Bouncing Boy.

I got this swell telescope!

That's no ham — it's a space station!

Same here, though we had a tough time getting two girls interested in playing the twins. And the boys all wanted to be Ficus.