
Quark is on DVD? This just made my day, thanks! In my elementary school we did actually play Quark .

So were computers involved somehow?

"How come our baby has to be rabbit?"


A Monkey Island TV show is the best idea I've heard all week. It could come in absurdist half-hour installments like Police Squad.

Surveys indicate our viewers like the Simpson's couch gag.

Yes, those are the videos whose message you can see right through.

Science in the science curriculum!

Or, presumably, enjoy a world with no evangelical christians.

Let me guess: are you a surgeon, maybe?

But a group with only two elements — what could be more romantic?

Finally get to go see Guardians of the Galaxy.

I didn't realize I was supposed to be thoroughly familiar with this director before seeing the movie, but I managed to enjoy it anyway!

As we enjoyed reading it, friend.

Are you Billy Joel?

Even then, everybody in this town was high.

What does "joint" mean in this context? What is joined to what?

That's it exactly: when we were watching DS9 on Netflix (back in the day they would send you the DVD in the mail), I couldn't wait to fire it up every night. When we were streaming Enterprise, I found myself wondering when we would be over and could get back to watching Psych.

I'm with you, buddy. I'm old enough that TOS shaped the course of my young life, in syndication. By the time TNG arrived, I was in college and found it an enjoyable series, but that it lagged somehow in comparison to the original.

Is that really a thing? Because President Boonie would be pretty awesome.