Anna C.

I stand corrected. Thanks for explaining.

Have you timed it? Because I still think it's just a feeling you have because you may not like Sue's storylines.

I honestly don't think there's been that much more focus on Sue than Axl over the course of the series. It's just that Sue's storylines have been stronger because her character has been fleshed out really, really well.

Not a dwarf.

Have they ever not acknowledged Brad is gay? It's been obvious to everyone but Brad and Sue from the moment Brad showed up in season 1. There just wasn't a whole lot of Brad in this season so it's not strange that it hasn't come up. As he is a secondary character, I doubt they'll ever delve deep into his love life,

Hopefully? Go wash your mouth!

I just watched the whole series again and I thought that seasons 1 and 2 were excellent as well. I was amazed by how great that actor playing Brick has been from the start, even when he was just a little kid. And young Sue trying out for all the school teams has never not been funny.

Yes, she did. Felt a little like a "how I met your mother" moment.

I thouht that was just a sight gag. Made me laugh.

The accidental deadpan delivery from that toddler playing Joe has become the best thing on this show imo.

I laughed out loud a couple times during this episode, which has been rare this season. This season made me forget why I like this show. I hope they'll remind me next season.

Another great The Middle finale. Not as great as last year's ode to Sue, but still very fulfilling. Lots of funny one-liners too. I laughed out loud when Frankie went to speak to the principal and asked for "him or her" to be called immediately, making clear once again of how involved they've (not) been in Brick's



Maybe that's why Modern Family copied The Middle's train episode this week.

The worst part of Luke is that he is reduced to a character who is constantly hitting on women AND NOTHING ELSE.

That's true, I forgot about those things. But on the other hand we've had years of him forgetting about home work and school projects, always having Frankie do it at the last minute. I guess he finally got his act together. Good for him.

This episode it felt like Mike and Frankie switched roles. In previous seasons, Frankie would've been the person constantly looking at the app and catching the kids in lies. I really enjoyed Mike being the one obsessing over the kids this time.

The Middle did a similar episode last season called 'Hecks on a Train' which I thought was much better done than this MF episode. But I also think that The Middle is a better show in general and that it has been more consistent in quality than Modern Family. The Middle can focus more on actual character growth because

Just when I thought I didn't care about Nick & Jess anymore,
they suck me back in. Excellent end to the season. Makes me really
excited to watch next season again, which I didn't feel at the end of
season 4.