Anna C.

Actually, I did begin the episode thinking it might be the one that sealed the fate of Norma (and Romero for that matter). Just because the showrunners had been putting the message out that if there was ONE episode to watch, it was this one. When I saw that Carlton Cuse and Kerry Ehrin had penned it, I was sure Norma

WHY doesn't Tandy shave the other half of his head/face? It's so distracting that I sometimes miss parts of the show because I'm just wondering why he still looks so ridiculous.

I don't think airing double episodes is doing New Girl any favours. Both last week and this week, the ealier episode paled in comparison to the second episode. This seaon also feels rushed now that the finale is already next week. This show only started airing in January and it's ending before shows that started

I'm kind of hoping it happens at the end of this season or early next season, just to see Norman's life without his mother but with "Mother." And I think the showrunner's have said that Marion Crane will show up at some point so there has to be a time jump.

I'm pretty sure that's a wig so I don't think it changes. Maybe the lighting does?

I was really looking forward to this episode that was written by FH but I have to say, I didn't love it. I know that Norma has to fall in love and that will lead to her inevitable demise, but she went from total devotion to her son to being totally in love with Romero (to the point where she'd rather keep Norman in

Yes, it's inevitable.

I get you. I said the same thing a few weeks ago. This time, it was those two words that he supposedly couldn't pronounce in Schmidt's bedroom that got me eyerolling so hard I strained my eye muscles.

Interesting. I hadn't thought of that but I think you are right.

Do we know anything about his sexual preference?

I was really impressed by the scene in the doctor's office. The transformation from Norman to Norma was so subtle and so good, I agree that it's Emmy worthy. But as we know by now, the Emmy's tend to ignore this show. Both Vera Farmiga and Freddie Highmore have deserved to be nominated for their work on every season

I really liked season 2 Sam (until he karate chopped Nick, that is) but in these past two episodes he's just so whiny and homeless-looking. I don't buy for a second that he's been depressed for two years because of the break up with Jess. If the goal is to bring him back into the mix to stir up old feelings between

No, I can't explain. He just is.

Gone Girl.

I always viewed Greg (and in some way Valencia) as the stand in for the audience as they were on to Rebecca's real motive for moving to WC pretty quickly. Paula has never had a very realistic view on the situation. She just likes scheming and bonding with Rebecca over Josh. The reason she didn't care about sharing the

I totally agree with your take on Paula. Given that next week's episode title is "Paula needs to get over Josh" they will probably address Paula's almost villainous evolution.

I feel like Rebecca is genuinely trying to move on from Josh but maybe Josh won't let her. Since next week is the season finale, I fear it will end with a love declaration from Josh to Rebecca setting the stage for a season 2 with the tables turned. I hope I'm wrong.

To be fair, she was testing if the booze was poisoned…

I will always watch this show because I am a fan of what it was, but I don't think I'm that big of a fan of what it is anymore. And yes, I admit, I was a Jess/Nick "shipper" and was disappointed when they broke up, but they've shared so little screentime since then that at some point I just stopped caring about them

I didn't remember what it was but I was pretty sure the bar had a name too. But I guess when Nick took over he renamed it.