Anna C.

Love this season of New Girl so far. But um, I thought it had been pretty well established in earlier seasons that Winston and Nick are both horrible at keeping secrets?

I must admit I laughed out loud a couple times at Ty Burrell's comedy, but those times were offset by the times I was shaking my head at all the other stuff. And maybe it's just me, but I find Luke and Manny insufferable.

What do you want them to do, change the title of the show?

Finally felt like Nick Miller is back instead of the "Jake Johnson doing improv" we got the last two seasons. Really looking forward to the rest of the season now.

Nick is in a serious relationship? Is this new? I have no recollection of this from last season.

Well yes, but the OP was talking about the girls.

"atleast this season, none got killed…"

The season had issues for sure, but I just cannot not enjoy Shiri Appleby and Constance Zimmer together. I'm just not build that way. So I'll happily turn into another season of UnReal next year.

I hadn't noticed it on first watch but I went back to some of the Quinn/Rachel scenes and I think you might be right that Rachel deliberately blew up Quinn's relationship. (Out of love, obviously). In a way, it's the same thing Quinn did to Rachel in season one when she wanted to run off with Adam. Neither one of them

Two things:
1) I wish Rachel had disclosed the rape to Quinn instead of Coleman.
2) Shiri Appleby should have been nominated for an Emmy.

You said it so I figured there was a reason for your comment.

The fact that it's on Netflix and everyone watches it at a different pace is probably one of the reasons.

Why would she yell when you try to use your phone?

It would be a toss up between Adele and Lady Mary Crawley for me.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to invalidate my comment but I'm just going to reiterate that I didn't care for the portrayal of the bisexual character and leave it at that.

uh did you read my comment? That's exactly my point.

How is having an opinion interfering with art? I demand nothing. Writers can write what they want and I can feel about that what I want. These things are not mutually exclusive.

I understand what you are saying, but if that was the intention they totally botched the delivery. It would have been different if other characters had stereotyped him, but it was all coming from the bisexual character himself. Not just the cheating but the line about "this is my woman relationship" as if that's

It's been said in this discussion before but I don't think it can be said enough: the bisexual stereotyping was bad. It was unnecessary and unfunny and potentially harmful. I saw someone tweeting to Maria Bamford about this and she apologised for it. That's all fine and well, but it's out there now and while the

I didn't know who Maria Bamford was before today and I probably wouldn't have watched this show had Twitter not blown up with praise for it. I watched the first episode this morning and while the first ten minutes were a little hectic, I was totally on board at the end of the episode. Time for a binge!