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    We know it's a really really big place because William and Dolores were on that train moving constantly well over 12 hours.
    We know the MiB will be left alone because a security guy already asked about slowing him down and the supervisor said that man gets whatever he wants.

    I'd say she's just as compassion now- after all this is born from having her child killed in front of her and being unable to stop it. Only after Clem was lobotomized and she realized she wasn't being treated with respect did she really decide more needed to be done beyond just waking up.

    Please give details!!

    For me it highlights all the loops both to the hosts and the guests have been trapped in without meaning, with one, Ford, playing god to keep it in place and other other, MiB playing human to create a change. We have no idea how many times Dolores has been on this find a maze loop- I like the idea that she's seeing

    So Charlotte is MiBs daughter? Which explains why she's so young and unprofessional in her position and wants to take down daddy's company. And why MiB would choose a family like Maeve to kill as a mirror to his own wife/child.

    Is this really fair to Ariel though? Eric was in part fascinating to her because he was in the world she ALREADY wanted to be and she kinda had to change just to hang with him.

    Watched that last night, HA!

    I would say the Adversaries are clearly going to be Dolores and MiB. With a few other pairings off.

    I found it odd as well, also him showing up for a drink with the MiB, highly convenient.

    Not necessarily. Even Elsie says "You've been here forever" and we don't know how frequent rotations are so people might get moved around before they would notice. A man like him could look pretty similar for a long while with no one really noticing. And of course Theresa knows he is so that's taken care of.

    Considering it's a show that directly deals with "what is alive?" then it's not really surprising we'd have different versions of "dead." In fact we already saw that with the hosts in the pilot- dead isn't really dead at all in Westworld.

    The list Bernard brings up on original active hosts also dispels the idea that Dolores is the One True Last Original, so the tech was just being a bit exaggerating.

    The logo and the initial guest deboarding platform are really the only real pieces of evidence of there being a past and present we are following. They very explicitly show the escalator/deboarding platform as being in ruins in the pilot and THEN show it as shiny new when William/Logan arrive along with the new logo.

    There's no absolute confirmation on timelines. We do not know how long a turnaround time can be, though it seems an overnight is possible. Visits to the park I believe are kept to 3 weeks (mentioned somewhere) but obviously special guests can have special stays. The meetings are not specified in times other than

    I'm just imagining some writers and set designers going "We changed the whole logo and showed them the wrecked underground space with the globe before showing it shiny new again, what more did they need?"

    It's bad writing to make the viewer have to assume and guess in order to create a narrative, even if those are "correct" guesses. I think the frustrations in motivation and direction as the mysteries keep blooming is well placed.

    But there have to be multiple copies. Dude picked up the gun in the barfight and gleefully said "Upgrade!"

    We still don't know who left the gun, though it's likely Arnold who woke her and told her to get it.

    I've found it conveniently spotty when/where actual cameras are placed. The fact that Maeve's room and her pictures and conversations in the safe room never had cameras or mics on them is pretty weak.

    Good point. The show is working hard to have us show Dolores evolve from a damsel, but we're already fully invested and believing that and we've all seen Ex Machina. Get a move on!