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    Well said. My mom could have gone to Woodstock, but she didn't have the money! Had to stay home and take care of family. That's most people's stories.

    No Gingerdead Man? No fair!

    I agree on the park not being under real surveillance but mostly with Maeve. I assumed there's be cameras in EVERY room.

    I thought it just was stupid Regina herself wouldn't be aware- it is her magic, she can't feel any tingling? ugh, so bored!

    I think it did, but maybe not on network. When things are bad and everyone genuinely expects it to be bad, it just gets dismissed and forgotten. When something is bad but entertaining, it gets a burst of buzz. But when it's a genuine option to be good and disappoints from bad choices…

    Aha yes, I'd been trying to put into words exactly that. The dirty cheap awkward stuff earnestness is what people like and want. Making into "a Vegas show" doesn't take away the quality of the work but it does waste the tone and culture.
    Or better put, what you said.

    I also thought Riley's actions there were completely understandable, if misguided.

    Don't we still have Mal/Inara? (Haven't read the comics) And Hawkeye is still married with kids…
    I'm reaching here cause you're right. Joss has this painful need to balance the scales and while I get where he's coming from, sometimes it's like "Did Wash REALLY have to die?"

    Yes, Riley was way too "good" for Buffy, in every sense. She knew she deserved and wanted a guy like that, but he'd never fit in with her dysfunction and pain and superiority complex.

    Minority but not alone! This is one of the biggest "DUH" "news" pieces I've ever seen.
    Of course Spike is more evolved- he CHOSE to go through pain to get his soul back. Every time Angel loses his soul he's like "Yes, evil 4evers!" Spike was more evolved when he was just a human.
    Spike caring for Dawn as a big

    You actually made me crack up with that, thank you!

    Very nice romp through the genre, but I'm disappointed no mention of Disclosure based on Michael Chrichton's book- where the woman is the villain and it's a clear battle of hi/lo tech. The tech itself was more like a Betamax version of what mainframes and VR could become, but I still think it's a worthwhile inclusion.

    So based on this, I searched for recent news on Corey and his "Angels" and came on this interview a few days ago. It's honestly ridiculous in how hypocritical and back pedaling he gets. The angels aren't homeless but then they have nothing and need a place to say, they don't live with him except they do, the

    So you're saying she squandered every iota of goodwill in a single instant because she used a tired stereotype you didn't find amusing? Seems extreme.

    This, Bill & Ted (Excellent and Bogus), Pretty Woman and Newsies were constantly playing on my cassette player. Reviewing it now actually helps me understand a lot of how my tastes evolved to the 70s.

    Most people call those "present" and "past."

    To me that doesn't mean two timelines, it's just means flashbacks. Which I think is plausible for William to become MiB, but still unproven.

    The humans may originate on earth, but Westworld itself may be on Mars or somewhere else.

    Easy you just remember it's based on the word for pain…

    They are seen to be eating and drinking- it might not be a "stomach" so much as a "system for taking in and removing" which gets called a stomach the same way a uterus is called a "belly" when a woman is pregnant.