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    It was in Paris, and I don't remember the name. We got outright turned away from a fancy place so we walked down a few doors into a cozier spot, though still mostly empty.
    Cold rabbit salad, salmon on top of whipped sweet potato, and poached pears in wine sauce. I finally knew what a foodgasm was. Each plate was

    But Lauren has a Golden Globe nom, SAG noms.

    I think the flashbacks have always been meant to, and increasingly directly, show that we're all just doing the best we can and there's absolute arbitrariness in the system. In this moment you make this choice and the person evaluating makes your life thrive or disappear.

    My thought was "They want a cliché horror shower scene in space? Let's give them a cliché horror shower scene in space!" It was almost too much, but fine for what it was.

    That was my issue in Prometheus when the dude just takes his helmet off, but in this one when they first examine the planet they specifically rattle off the planet's stats including gravity and oxygen levels. So they weren't just going in on hope.

    Chalk this up to my being a boring picky eater, but I finally perfected prime rib a few weeks ago and my partner almost cried from how good it was- just with simple salt and pepper. I gotta stick with what works.

    Haha, I will only note the Shannon dies of magical sacrifice but turns out their mom had an affair with a whitelighter and had a kid who grew up to be half sister Rose McGowan so they could then re-establish the Power of Three. I really can't resist good camp.

    Charmed embraced the camp and skimpy costuming and was very good for both. It was the OUAT of its time.


    I think it's because calling quickly became the least important thing about "phones."

    For me it's that I hate oregano and Quizno's are trained to instinctively put it on EVERY sandwich. After three times of clearly stating before any other part of my order "NO oregano, you might want to move the shaker in case you forget" and forcing them to remake what I wanted after they inevitably grab the can,

    I thought it was when they were touched with her true essence of blood that the veil was lifted and they could see her true form, in spirit and (since it's TV) physically show her as the constantly dead thing she was.

    I admit I am a brine convert. My bf isn't a big poultry fan since he finds it tasteless overall. I did a quick brine ahead of time and they were ultra juicy and flavorful. Worth it and not much effort.

    Agreed, nothing beats Wing Stop. As a woman, I like Hooters as smallish type meal on the way to someplace else, but I never think "Ooh I want me some!" The outfits are just outfits- Twin Peaks, Tilted Kilt, whatever, ladies getting paid for service and entertainment is no big deal to me.

    Opinions on Popz vs Dorbz?

    But…but…my Twilight Special Edition Wedding Edward…*sobs*

    A good comment on the Kelly Conway thing was that the right only knows how to name call and mock, they go for the mean "joke."

    See for me that was Arrival, which had me bawling by the end. Recognizing the experience of love unbound by time, making choices knowing exactly what the consequences will be and living them all at once while also living them linearly? Dang, THAT's powerful stuff.
    This was mediocre fun.

    I found it hard to shake the Dr. Horrible vibe actually, so it was kinda fun imagining Dr. Horrible as Olafs' great nephew or something.