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    Alex please pass the marathon torch to someone who enjoys ALL aspects of mainstream movie watching, including the midnight hours and the cheap junk food. 1:30am can still be before bedtime to a lot of us, not a "middle of the night wake up." Reading you disparage the food you don't like and can't eat does not lend

    But that only highlights the ridiculousness of all pageants and the idea of judging such subjective criteria. If we want to enjoy the spectacle and decide we can judge winners the same way we judge athletics, that's cool. But if you want to start sharing winners, then let's just take away the judging and enjoy the

    I'm very consciously not defending 6 or 7. :) Would love to hear your thoughts either way after a rewatch!

    Great post and questions! I don't know if I can convince you but here are my points. I grew up with Buffy (HS class of 98) and have done a few rewatches to give a context.

    OMG I am actually crying with laughter right now, thank you!

    Ugh you had to type its title.

    Ben is Glory?

    Ben is Glory?

    A big part, and a big part of why people love Avengers, is that the villain is amazing. We finally get an Anti Buffy who really is smarter and stronger than Buffy in every way. And Clare is amazing with the part. It's one of the only seasons that you can't describe as "brooding"- all of the pains they deal with are

    5, 3, 6, 1, 2, 7, 4

    hugs, you're not alone in spirit! I also don't do the family thing.

    Not True! Season 4 IMO is one of the weakest, but Season 5 is one of, if not the, best of all.

    Nothing can happen to the First. But the Firsts weakness is that it can only use ghosts as a vehicle to promote its goals. You don't see Fillion as the First (until he died), you see him driven by his sick desires guided by the First.

    I didn't say helpless, but he was a victim and he did take responsibility and try to atone for his wrongdoings- for which he could not disclose to anyone.

    I thought they romanticized Alan Rickman :) Plus he was severely bullied all through his school years by the people who would become besties with the woman he loved, kept from promotion, lived forever trying to atone for his wrongdoings while not being able to tell anyone about it and secretly looking after the kid

    Maybe it's the difference between people who just want a scare and people who want to know fear?

    Isn't that one of the biggest American Horrors?

    I wasn't nostalgic for it, but I could have gotten excited over a fun whimsical movie- so long as there were earrings which holographically changed outfits. So sad.

    Literally all they needed to make this a fun success was a hologram that could change clothes instantly. That's ALL. And they couldn't do it.

    In the book they wanted to, but there was a big storm, hence the emergency evac. They either had to leave right then or they'd all be dead. Plus bodies evacuate when they die, you do not want that in an interplanetary escape.