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    Exactly, he's recording, not sending. Most of this is a "found footage" rescue.

    You sure that wasn't me?

    The book brings it up and suggests that they are learning more about true Martian experience than they ever would otherwise, but doesn't take it very deep. (Is it ok to make book references in the movie review?)

    Look boobs!……(.)(.)

    I just finished it this week and they do bring it up a few times but recognized it wasn't "an issue" type of book. I also disagree that regular people don't understand that he needs water, water is hydrogen and oxygen and he somehow has to get those together.

    But if you're getting this level of interview and coverage, you've made it on some tangible level. Dude's not worried about his dog's vet bills right now.

    I don't care how many times people tell me, I'm still face blind on those two.

    Having been a camp counselor to teens, having coupling happen intensely and zanily definitely happens, and falls apart, in that time span. You're stuck in this fishbowl environment with lots of hormones, yeah.

    The New Girlfriend- is the guy a transvestite (likes to wear women's clothes) or a transgender (wants to live as a normal woman)? There's a big difference there.

    Johnny Depp's entire renaissance career defies this theory. Geoffrey Rush as well.

    What's it say that I'm a gajillion times more interested in the drama between the mom and the pregnant "girlfriend" forced to be together in a sleazy motel room together for a few days than ANYTHING else in this season?

    I live with someone who LOVES SOTM, kickstarted it at the highest level right off and gets all the promos/extras. I like it in part because I can be part of the fun without being a gamer geek. The game scales to larger groups, but I find it way too slow between turns when it's over 5 players.

    *The larger issue though is that with all of these characters floating around, Ballers has no time to focus on an overarching narrative, or at least a central idea that drives the plot each and every week.*

    *Kyoko (Sonoya Mizuno), one of his less sentient creations*

    I think if you didn't get that vibe then you weren't really watching the episode. Did you also happen to notice one of the investigators is a female?

    I want Corddry's character to have some real consequences for his ass behavior. Or just kill him. I think he's playing the character well, I just don't like it or think it adds anything to the show.

    Charles didn't "find motivation"- he was given a deadline and marching orders from the wife. I think it was the only scene in which a female was given lines that didn't have her as a passive receiver of sex (even the LPGA chick had to wait for the agent to take his call). It's really possible to have a realistic

    It was called Men of a Certain Age.

    It's so much funnier than most people think. I consider it a cousin to What About Bob? Also underrated.