
I actually got to meet Crosby a couple weeks ago at a con here and told her how Tasha was one of my first TV deaths (I was 10 or 11 at the time). Knowing nothing of the behind the scenes aspects or news of the show it was a shock that i expected to be reversed and I vaguely remember being very sad about it. I was a

Oh man if only they had axed him. Kes was more interesting (though that's faint praise).

He is by far the worst character in any of the shows. That includes the bland-os from ENT too.

But that's why they have explained how Vic came to be) Bashir had the program designed by a tech wiz friend) with all his more unique for a hologram quirks. Voyager did the leg work for most viewers but they have explained Vic for DS9ers only.

exactly. When people try to 'logic' alien tech or tech form HUNDREDS of years in the future I just shake my head. You can't possibly expect to apply our current knowledge of how things work to it. Something like a smartphone seemed hilariously far fetched even 30 years ago.

Yeah I saw it's up for pre-order. I'll bide my time….

"The federation App Store' is so *perfect*

Ha ha yeah that 'amazing' tech used in those early TNG eps is quite laughable to where they'd end up.

I was always hit or miss with watching ENT despite being a regular watcher of TNG as it aired and most of DS9 (catching up when I could because of school), same for VOY but it wasn't until the 4th season of ENT that I thought "THIS is what the show should have always been doing!"

Me either! Finally, as a gay guy, I can understand what it's like to be a minority ;)

I thought "Say something like 'remembering this'." and then he did. Nailed it.

Shh… facts ruin a good rant.

A great episode capped off by a sublime ending. Exactly what I wanted for those minor characters from over the years. Seeing Stripper Lily end up with Scooter was especially satisfying.

Well to be fair, from their POV it is. They don't know all of the Doctor's growth as it's happening in the Delta Q and I don't believe Voyager's made contact with Starfleet at this point. Even if they had I doubt knowledge of the Doctor would be that wide spread.

100% agreed. It's my favourite book about television and puts any other companion book to shame. What a glorious read.

Yes to the character growth as a semi-continuity. Stuff like Paris & Torres being a couple then married then expecting are the kind of continuity-lite I enjoy. It immediately places the episode in the 7 year run for me to a certain degree.

Yes so many great possibilities. Just imagining what the founders take on them would've been would be worth it. Actually Bajorans too. With their history of being subjugated I would think they'd have a real bad attitude towards the idea of assimilation.

Yes, perfect example is the seamless way the movie uniforms were folded into DS9 with nary a mention of it.

Was one of them his dismissive "What's left of it!" line to Garak about Cardassia in the finale?

WYR is pretty fun. I think you'll enjoy it.