
Oh yeah VOY's supporting cast was a joke next to DS9's. They had the kids, a couple barely recurring lieutenants and what, Seska?

I prefer Season 4 :)

Aww, I liked them, especially Icheb.Definitely more than any Maquis character.

I really only enjoyed Janeway, Seven and the Doctor.

I would disagree. Like others have pointed out the respect the Founders have for the Vorta is otherwise not explained/supported. There's no reason to make up a lie since their reverence for them is hard-wired in. Plus a big point to the story is to show what the Founders (and altered Vorta) consider a benevolent act.

Yes exactly. I LOVED their friendship because it was so 'girly' for lack of a better word which was a nice side to show of Kira. I too was really glad to see them basically pick up where she and Jadzia left off.

Those aren't mutually exclusive.

It certainly makes a difference to him. Specifically his bank account. So on his behalf: screw your comfort level.

exactly. How obnoxious were people during Jennings run?

Psst! He's not White. $10 says that's a HUGE part of it.

He's been on big morning shows, FOX News and more. Way more profile than 99.9% of Jeopardy contestants.

Spot on. They would not be hating on a white guy (maybe other minorities too) as much as him because he's Asian and fits the nerdy stereotype. That's just sad.

Reading this made me go and buy Network 90 vol 2 on DVD. Just watched about 10min of ep 1 so far and I already am thrilled with the decision.