Daniel P

MHS Monroe. Also graduated from UT. Now live in Cleveland. Damn right it's real.

Actually, I think it bottomed out in the early-mid 2000s and is slowly starting to recover. No state lost more manufacturing jobs in the 2000s than Ohio and, not that you want to pin your economy on that but it is starting to, slowly recover.

Grew up in Monroe. Went to college in Toledo. Live in Cleveland. I'm still fighting this war.

True fact: The UP has its own area code because it anticipated being a separate state.

This is true. They started copper mining in 1845. So it was almost immediate.

The one that innundates most of the south shore (and you people are so geographically challenged you refer to it as the north shore) with midges and mayflies for weeks on end?

A joke I told when teaching classes in Columbus for many years. Well done.

Cleveland is a great place to get sick. (World class healthcare).
A sneakily underrated foodie place.
Really nice park system.
Generally cheap to get to any other city you'd like to travel to.
If you like snow, you're all set.

The irony being that the non city areas around Monroe have more or less been carved into subdivisions for people interested in exurban living who work in Detroit or Toledo.

I think that you meant bi-annual instead of semi-annual.

That's right! They did run on A&E. I had forgotten about that. Thank you for the reminder.

Craig was very hit or miss. For example, if you watch his last two weeks worth of shows (which I might still have on my DVR), the interview with Jon Hamm doesn't go well at all, and that's largely on Craig. But when it worked, it worked really well.

Are you sure those reruns were on Comedy Central and not E!?

Have you forgotten that part where he took over for Larry Sanders?

Bubbly. Utterly devoid of substance. Basically a chubby, British version of Fallon with the same need to be liked but without the vapid fanbase.

Why, if only there were a channel dedicated to History that, if properly programmed to show anything other than stories on UFOs and Jesus, could tackle just this very topic.

I'd just like to know where a guy who has spent the last three years with his head between Roger Goodell's legs gets off wearing an Argos jersey.

That's a rather cumbersome observation for us to deal with today.

So it's proven true, once again, that you can get high enough to make any movie likeable.