Daniel P

Dan misses the forest for the trees here. If your significant other is looking at your browsing history at all, she/he shouldn't be your significant other. Stay out of each others wallet/purse, computers, e-mail, phones and don't open each others conventional mail. People do retain a degree of privacy even within

I don't know though, I might get sick of Delpy in half the amount of time I did in Before Midnight 1.0.

Wait. There's someone other than Craig Ferguson on in late night television?

That's the first decent justification for buying anything by The National I've ever read. Bonus points to you, sir. I believe there would have to be sex involved as a reward for being asked to take Matt Berninger's vocals seriously.

The funny part of this article is that people are actually willing to pay for an album by The National.

One of the many ideas that get zero traction. Robocop was filmed in Dallas, not Detroit. Ergo, the only appropriate place for this statue is in the lobby of the Comerica building, in Dallas, since those fuckers abandoned Detroit for Dallas a few years ago. It's only appropriate.

This movie was not terrible. Certainly wasn't a D.