
Lol… I'm guessing they said Ivana.

I think Brett Easton Ellis might be surprised to learn his novel was meant to be displayed rather than read.

BUZZARD is fantastic. And this is a very well-written review.

I 99% agree on THE THING, one of the best of all movies. But I'll give the original respect for the gag in which they light a stunt man on fire in a room full of actors. Some of the storm scenes have a stark, visceral power, and the exterior alien ship shots have that feel that's familiar from Cold War-era horror.

A winch leaves the drone within reach of weisenheimers who could pull the expensive aircraft to the ground as part of their zany shenanigans. Better if they fire the burritos at people like Hellfire missiles.

I really liked TUSK, but I agree Depp was the weakest element… His involvement in the story felt like padding to justify the extended cameo.

Anyone remember a movie called RUCKUS? It starred Dirk Benedict and Linda Blair. Benedict plays a Viet Nam vet who who uses his special forces skills to fight small town thugs. When I first saw it, I thought, "Oh, a FIRST BLOOD knockoff." But… nope. It came out in 1980.

Between this film, OUT TO SEA and SPEED 2, it seems that the tricky demands of the cruise movie genre are difficult to master.

THE BLACK HOLE and THE HITCHER are both pretty fucking awesome.

I never quite hated this movie, and back when it first came out I actually considered it a step up from RETURNS. It was a fun watch in the theater. The action scenes were silly but, for the first time in a Batman movie, actually pretty engaging.

Do they ever wonder if they're the baddies?

The commentary track is hilarious… It's clear neither had watched or thought about the movie in a long time, so we get long stretches of silence as they just kind of watch the movie, punctuated with Arnold saying stuff like, "Here she is crying about her woman problems."

Yes, very true. He was working on the orgy scene, not quite finding something he liked, and Zoe Poledouris came to him with the melody.

One of the best soundtracks of all time.

Great band, great album.

At last, we'll learn how the vehicles in Pixar's CARS movies reproduce.

I think he would be a step backward into Moore-Bond territory. He's obviously a great actor and a funny guy, but Craig brought a rawness and violence to the role that hadn't existed for way too long.

Her go-to maneuver seems to be grabbing and throwing and/or pushing; it's brutal but very, very basic, and if you binge-watch the show (like I did) those choices can get old quick (or at least it did for me).

I'd have to agree… especially in DD S2, which I think significantly suffered from the lack of a powerful main antagonist like Fisk. If would be cool to see the two shows draw from each others' strengths; better storytelling in DD, better action in JJ.

If anything, I'd like to see the fight choreography come up a level. DAREDEVIL's fights were strikingly accomplished, some of the best action I've seen on TV, and to go from that to watching JJ throw people around in scene… after scene… after scene… was a let-down.