
"It's ironic that all of these ladies are now nothing but bones."

One of the best action-thrillers ever made, and this film started Carpenter on one of the strongest runs of any filmmaker in recent history.

The first movie is fantastic, the sequels less so, but still a lot of fun.

Cool Behemoth shirt.

That's kind of a bullshit question. She might as well have asked him what she has in her pocket.

I flat-out loved this film.

I'm unsurprised Moore is working on this; I saw a lot of Dick's "Second Variety" in BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

Excellent interview.

I used to listen to Negativland back in the day, but admittedly it's been a while since I've spun them last.

The first movie is pretty brilliant, but they were never able to re-catch that lightning in the bottle.

My local Blockbuster carried MORON MOVIES. My friends and I used to love them…

PAIN & GAIN or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bay.

Whenever I played with G.I. Joes, the battle always turned into a crazed slaughterhouse with no survivors.

THE EXORCIST often vies with THE SHINING as my favorite horror film, and I wholeheartedly agree re: EXORCIST III, which is a fantastic movie.

I heard if you name a kid Roar then he gets a free battle axe in the mail and nobody knows who sends them, though it's probably Odin.

This movie is a classic. Among the many wonderful moments, one of my favorites is when the undercover detective learns of another murder and responds by screaming to no one in particular, "Bastard! Bastard! Bastaaaaaaaaaaaard!!!"

GUN CRAZY is one of my all-time favorite movies. It's just an incredible film, and I'm consistently surprised it isn't better known, or more frequently shown in film school.

POD is fantastic. I loved this movie.

I love this movie, and the affronted caterwauling from the mainstream film critic community — a mewling gaggle of pearl-clutching Elois under the best of circumstances — was all the more delightful.

Who can kill a cootie?