
This is my favorite Bond movie, and it has evolved into one of my all-time favorite films. They really caught lightning in a bottle with this one.

Unbearable Kimmy Schmidt.


It's common to see apes riding horses in these films and their advertising; it's a trope of the franchise.

Oh, the Bachmanity.

I saw it once, and hated it and walked out. But everyone else in the world seemed to love this film, everyone was talking about how great it was, etc. So I thought… maybe I was in a bad mood or something. So I went back and, if possible, hated it even more the second time. Hence the double walk-out.

Man, I hate that movie. The first time I walked out, I thought… well, everyone else in the world seems to love this film, maybe I was just in a bad mood or something. So I went back, and realized that… nope, I actually hate it.

I've walked out of three films: THE CONEHEADS, and DEAD POETS SOCIETY twice. And I once talked a girl out of seeing TOY STORY in favor of END OF DAYS, which earned me endless (and well-deserved) ribbing throughout the course of that relationship.

Though I can agree THE ROCK is Bay's best film, I would say PAIN & GAIN is also a good film. Ironically, it offers my favorite performance by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

I recently re-watched the '76 KONG, and I have to hand it to that movie… One of the most gloriously absurd moments I've ever seen in a film is the scene in which Jessica Lange is presented as a mock sacrifice human sacrifice to a giant gas pump.

Why, just last night a friend of mine and I hit K-town and threw back a couple of bottles of Jinro and Hite; good times. Those green bottles can be deadly if you're not careful… They don't taste like much going down, especially if they're ice cold and you pair the shots with a slice of lemon, so you're not paying as

This sounds like it would make a really fun movie.

The full-page illo of the grell is a thing of pure beauty.

Kvelertak is the fucking shit. Incredible band.

At the scene of the fire, he found the perfect axe.

Sounds very similar to BRIGHT.


That same soundtrack also brought us a pretty sweet cover of "In A Gadda Da Vita" by Slayer, as I recall.

I loved Foolkiller's six-issue mini from back in the 90s. Even with the big pirate hat and somewhat generic action movie ending, it was still a cool character, and I found the protagonist's journey to becoming Foolkiller (and his struggles with sanity) to be sincerely affecting.

I only play Metallica's Garage Days Re-Revisited deep in the night; "The Small Hours" sounds best in the small hours.