Ben DiBanana

True. I suppose it is his job to fill her in at the pre-meetings.

How would she even know how many kids were in the family, really? I could see her having some vague idea that the Starks were important on the north part of Westeros, but not having such a detailed knowledge after growing up abroad. It's not like she's been watching the show.

Definitely Qyburn, he's her Hand. But no, doesn't seem to be anyone else on her team. Jaime I guess? Ser Pounce?

Dany can't have children anymore after she miscarried Khal Drogo's son. The witch was pretty clear on that point.

I have a feeling she's got a few murders left in her.

I just remembered that Sam and Gilly ran into Bran a while back and Sam told Jon about that.

Oh yeah, right you are. Garlan, then? Willas?

True. And don't forget what a fuck up Mace was. He would have been in charge, I imagine.

Totally! In their second scene when it was just the two of them, and Dany watches Jon's butt as he walks away all "Rawr"

Thought of this too. Jon would probably assume Bran was dead too at this point, right? "Actually, I have 3 dead brothers."

That too, I think. Also I think those guys might be part of Euron's famous tongue-less crew since they didn't speak.

Though Sansa has red hair and Robb's wasn't super dark. So there could be some recessive light hair in the Stark DNA somewhere.

'Cause somewhere in the "Quisling Clinic"
There's a shorthand typist taking seconds over minutes
She's listening in to the Venus line
She's picking out names
I hope none of them are mine

Is there some law now that Woody Harrelson has to be in EVERYTHING?

God, if anyone ever needed to grow a mustache it's this lizard-lipped douchebag.

How would Euron know that Elleria poisoned Myrcella? Is that something that everyone just knows now? Seems like there would already be open war with Dorne if so.

Yeah, I thought that was an ok visual shorthand for the more eldritch horror he brings in the book, with all the other horror flashes in that scene. Plus, whoever did the blood sprays deserves some kind of award.

And that time when he put der chicken in der pot.

I'm not sure there's anyone left up there who knows how to write and/or send ravens now that Sam's gone to college.

Well, also he sank Dany's fleet, or much of it.