Ben DiBanana

I figured he just survived cause someone has to tell Dany what happened.

I feel like eating a bag full of barbecued broke legs.

But, but, trenchers full of stew!

I agree with that mostly. But executioners are gonna execute.

Though technically that was also incest with Lancel.

You're a tough nut to crack!

True, true. It's almost as though it was compiled by a middle school-aged girl with all the attendant capacity for grudges.

Nor am I! Just pointing out that the Royal Executioner executing someone on the King's order is exactly his job description.

For selling Gendry to Melisandre to do her leach spell thing. I think Ilyn Payne should get a pass, though. He was just doing his job.

Silence was shown, and looked pretty badass, but I'm with you on the rest on this.

Dragonglass and fire, I'm pretty sure. Or fire kills the wights at least, which would be a good start.

You're right that probably would have come in handy.

It could also be that one of the first things she and Tyrion decide to do after the end credits would be to land a bunch of Unsullied and Dothraki on the continent while they themselves stay at the castle. They don't have to go in person to every battle.

I put them in a ziploc bag and then once I determine they are a dog tick and not a deer tick I finish them off with a rolling pin. They are not invulnerable.

I'd be a lot more psyched for this if I weren't constantly pulling actual ticks off my child and myself due to the climate change-caused tick explosion.

I laughed so hard when he pushed Durant down the stairs.

When I went to high school we had this one mean hick whose thing was to give everybody nicknames. "I'm gonna call you _____." These were meant to be insulting but generally just came across as puzzling and often unintentionally poetic. For example my one friend, the only Jewish kid in school, was dubbed I Frame My

What would a Democrat do with an exclamation point?

GG Allin? Thought he'd died.

Pocahontas, huh?