Ben DiBanana

Oh yeah. I saw it and then I saw it again rented from a Blockbuster in West Virginia. They were famous for editing their movies for offensive content, so it was a good 20 minutes shorter. You see the dude start up the lawnmower and then smash cut to him covered in blood surrounded by body parts.

Don't look on the carpet.

The zombie woman giving birth to a zombie baby was about the stupidest thing ever.

Yeah it doesn't sound that bad despite the reviewer's obvious dislike.

Seems that way but no. First Men and Andals were there for a long time before they showed up. "They left Valyria twelve years before the Doom occurred and resided for more than a century on the island of Dragonstone, until Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives began their conquest in 2 BC. House Targaryen ruled as

There's actually a plaque in my town from when Arnold marched through on his way up to take Quebec City, when he was still on our side.

They are really not worrying about that kind of stuff in the show anymore. Look at Jaime, who was supposed to be Lord Commander of something something..

Targaryens in general were foreigners who had only been on the Westeros scene for a couple few hundred years before Robert's rebellion, which could I suppose be called natavist even though it was about a chick. And they were only able to take over because of those dragons. I can see Lord Randyll feeling like he was

It's going to be cool seeing her do that bobbing and weaving stuff against a White Walker though.

Wouldn't it be 'Battles Royale"?

Thank you! Jumped on here just to say this. Guns n' Wankers record was good too.

Wait a minute… this paint is still wet!

Qyburn even said they had every blacksmith in the city working on them. So yeah, totally.

" Why Joffrey couldn't hire a cutthroat who had his own daggers is beyond me."

Bronn and Dickon had totally already met though, right? They were riding toward Highgarden together last episode. Does he just crack up every time someone says "Dickon"?

He helped Tyrion escape the cell, but he was definitely not on board with the killing of Dad. He's said he would kill Tyrion for that if he got the chance.

Wights, all of them.

They filmed this when I was in high school in Maine and I knew a girl who was an extra but I think her scene got cut.

That's a pretty interesting question I hadn't thought about before. The ASOIAF wiki says Lyanna Stark died in year 283, presumably in childbirth although that's not confirmed in the books yet. Dany was born in 284. So it looks like Jon is older by just a little bit.

Did anyone else get confused/bothered when the setting abruptly switched from Mad Max world to some kind of Medieval castle with swords or was is just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯