
After Sayid shoots lil' Ben, the show establishes that the Others have some kind of healing power inside the Temple. In S6, the power is revealed to be a pool of water (presumably connected to The Light) which has gone "wrong" since Jacob died, but they try to revive Sayid in it anyway. As a result, Sayid dies

He mysteriously finds another pair in season 2 that's close to his prescription. No foolin'.

You're basing your entire (mis)understanding of feminism on your experience in one gender studies class, and you are claiming to know that discrimination against women doesn't exist when you are incapable of experiencing it firsthand, so I'm not interested in your criticism of my rhetorical skills, or your views on

…then we'd probably be really good and shooting guns and martial arts!


Nobody wins this argument, but women have been (and are) treated like shit across cultures and throughout time, because, like anyone else who isn't a white man, they aren't viewed as people. There was (and sadly, still is) "science" to prove that women were inferior just as there was for other minorities. Except

"My sense of sound gave off a kind of radar sense" has to be one of the most laughably bad lines ever.

I know, but I like to try to find ways to justify some of the inconsistencies on the show. I should probably talk to my therapist about it.

This used to bother me, too, although upon rewatching it, compared to other action scenes in the series, it isn't as over-the-top as it initially seemed. But when coupled with Juliet's inexplicable combat skills, I think that the longer one lives on the island, the stronger one becomes. "Unique electromagnetic

I'd been misinterpreting his deactivation of the jamming signal in the Looking Glass as allowing the Kahana to find its way to the island, but you're right, that's not true, since Naomi had already managed to parachute in.

I think it's really weird that they never once mentioned the thing with Ben being pinned under the tree. No deleted scene, no commentary track. I was hoping they were finally going to reveal that he totally had super powers.

It's pretty clear Jacob has to touch people directly in order to give them eternal life or heal them or mark them as candidates or whatever, so even though he seems to have vague powers over life, I don't think he was responsible for Charlie's revival, here. I do think that since Charlie's sacrifice in the Looking

I get the upset people have over Jin basically abandoning Ji Yeon, but I didn't feel like it was tossed off at all. At the time it was heartbreaking and it turned the audience firmly against Locke/MiB, only to have THAT somewhat upended by the following episode in which it appears that MiB isn't totally at fault for

Do we think that SPOILER Jack really saved Charlie here, or was it more of a "Charlie couldn't die because time loop" situation a la Michael not being able to commit suicide?

I'm also curious how the hell she managed to get on an international flight post 9/11. Deleted scene of Jacob as the ticket agent?

I don't remember hearing them say that. I think it almost works since she clearly didn't plan to shoot the guys ahead of time, her "boyfriend" gets out of hand and so she has to take them out, but yeah a lot of these stories clearly changed from what they had intended. I always thought Kate's mom's reaction in the

"The New Man in Charge" gave some kind of half-assed shout-out to Dharma "hy-bird" experiments." Doesn't really explain anything. Although if the Island is the source of "life, death, and rebirth," maybe Libby was reborn as a bird. The end.

Agreed on "infected" Sayid, I think both he and Claire's S6 arcs shed a little more light on things, even though it isn't explicitly laid out.

I still think "The Island" as a character is partially responsible for the flashsideways coupling of Sayid and Shannon, since the message it was driving home was "the time you spent here together was the most important time in your life."

SPOILER ALERT: Maybe she got messed up in the head by the MiB like Claire did.