
Yes! I love the Emmylou Harris record, one of my favorites. Liked some
of Bruce's and could care less about Miley's. #oldmanyellsatcloud

Regarding "programmed by a musician" (SPOILER alert): isn't it possible that this ends up being a reference to time-traveling Daniel Faraday, who worked with the DI in the past? I agree that the "on assignment in Canada" thing is kind of ridiculous, especially since they claim to have all kind of restrictions on

Which is why I didn't TOTALLY hate the episode when it first aired, I assumed we were getting a glimpse of the Others off the Island, which we already knew was possible thanks to "Not in Portland." But…no. Now it just seems stupid and somewhat offensive.

I got the impression from an interview or commentary that they didn't like what the actress brought (or didn't bring) to the character, but I can't find proof of that, and besides is just probably a cop-out anyway. They clearly didn't have a strong sense of what the Others' internal culture was like, yet.

Although Matthew Fox had claimed that the flash-sideways was going to merge with the main story about a third of the way through the season, so I don't know if he was confused, lying, or if it did change, but on re-watching season 6 it does seem like it was intended as an afterlife all along and was very carefully

I'm not sure about MiB/monster, but I definitely agree that they smooshed too much together in "Ab Aeterno." The Black Rock/statue collision is eternally unsatisfying.

SPOILERS etc. —That's interesting, I hadn't heard about the "big jerk Jacob" reveal before. I found myself arguing with people that he wasn't any kind of pure good vs. MiB's pure evil, but you know how people love a clear cut rivalry (and apparently, still believe white=good/black=bad). The show (as produced) did

Davies showed up on the first episode of Constantine playing a slight variation of Daniel.

I thought it was interesting at the time, but in retrospect Jack's flashback story is total nonsense. If the tattoo cult (or whatever) had tied into the Others or the Island somehow, it might've worked, but as it stands it feels like borderline-racist exoticism.

What better way to prove your point? Jacob had a point, right? I actually really like the way he's portayed as a petulant man-child in "Across the Sea," it kind of explains a lot.

Yeah, and also if Ben was so totally on his own, why did he have them all building the runway that Jacob apparently told them to build?

I would say that they sort of redeemed themselves by having the rag-wearing mystical Temple Others appear in season 6 as a sort of separate group from Ben's Others, but then I don't understand why Richard stuck around with Ben and didn't know anything about Candidates while Dogen did. So, yeah, clusterfuck still

Because they were goofball hippies? I'm thinking it's like the beginning of "Wargames," in that they wouldn't want to trust an automated system to handle something so critical. The other reason I assume the Others didn't know about it (at least not until Ben found the Pearl station) is that it seems insane that

Yeah, I'd agree with beema. Also it was clear that they managed to keep the Swan Station secret from the Others even past the Purge. The Dharma folks were fairly nuts and paranoid so it would make sense to maintain secrecy about something that could potentially blow up the island (and by extension, the world).

Further proof that the rhombus is the funniest shape.

I thought I coined the term "love rhombus" circa 1994. Get out of my head, McNutt!

"Charlie went down to that place so we could all be rescued. And whatever
he did down there, it worked. But then something must have happened. He
must have heard something before he… " is the absolute worst for me.

SPOILERS. My understanding is that Dharma was recklessly drilling into one of the main arteries of the Island Energy (connected to the Source) and that Radzinsky was going to inadvertently blow up the island (which, according to "The End," would result in the end of all life on earth). When Juliet sets off Jughead's

"Rustrating?" Ruh-roh!

Every question I answer will simply lead to another question.