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    This just in: every character in Orange is the New Black is completely different from in the book. And more entertaining because of it.

    I won't argue with that. I try to avoid it, and do so successfully for other actors I don't like much as people. Just can't help seeing crazy when he's trying to portray serious.

    Her? It's as Ann on the nose of plain's face.

    Tom Cruise is one of maybe two actors whose presence in a movie is enough to make me immediately lose all interest in seeing it, which is a shame. Maybe at some point I'll get over it and watch those movies. It's not like he's a terrible actor like my other least favorite (Keanu Reeves), but it's like an actor who

    To be fair most of them were converted into soylent green first and the rest really weren't worth saving.

    And if you think that any of that makes him above being criticized, then you are one yourself.

    You ignored his points to go off on one of your own.

    What a poor straw-man argument you've created there Neal.

    I think this was the not ending well everyone predicted for Savage Love commenting.

    3% of AVClub readers are Lena Dunham fanatics and 16% are intransigent contrarians.

    The robot who screens articles for me to read is getting really lazy.

    Am I the only one hoping Girls beats out Ozymandias, just so we can put an end to this thing.

    Honestly that makes it even funnier as far as I'm concerned. Much like my eternal confusion over whether Robert Goulet or Robert Guilliom played the phantom of the opera.

    Sure. But most of them don't have various magical abilities an intrinsic part of the rules. Most sports also don't involve a complicated hockey/soccer defense/offense scheme involving all of the players except one which is completely irrelevant to the outcome of the game 99% of the time as the winning 'seeker' just

    Which brings us back to MST3K.

    Having read that book and having seen the show depart drastically, and in a good way, from that book especially regarding Larry, I am going to say your answer answers nothing.

    M-O-O-N, that spells Hodor.


    Your land is mostly mountainous, and your chief export is furious political thought.

    Marathon training doesn't lead to weight loss? I lost 45 pounds marathon training while taking in as many carbs as I could, not particularly trying to lose weight. Twenty mile training runs burn the crap out of some calories.