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    I dunno, was it invented by a mom?

    That's where the kickpuncher learned his unique martial art form.

    Because this show may entertain myself and others.

    I saw the same exact scenario in Cincinnati shortly before his death. My wife, it being her first time seeing him, couldn't understand why he was my favorite comedian at the time, and I could only shrug and say he must have been really fucked up.

    Of course only Americans who haven't read Deadeye Dick own firearms.

    Given that part of my job is testing pigments and paints for durability, you'd think that would have jumped out to me.

    Best Vonnegut to read if you are considering purchasing a firearm? Best Vonnegut to read if you are debating what type of painting to make?

    A documentary made for some as yet undiscerned reason.

    Burn the witch! Separating the art from the pedophile only works for the Allens and Polanskis of the world.

    Have you heard of the facebook? It's like that.

    South Africa in 1987, seven years before the end of apartheid, maybe not the funnest environment to film in.

    I recently got my wife to watch Deep Space Nine with me on netflix. Through several seasons I think she giggled each and every time a Cardassian was mentioned.


    In fairishness, she might be leaving a whole lot out. After all, 'she left him' to 'that means she wants me', did in fact lead to 'we've been dating for months'.

    They're still in 'trails' for reasons that have as much to do with efficacy as with reasonable precautions, or as you put it 'phantom fears'. The promise of gene therapy as effective treatment is huge. In practice the bugs still haven't been worked out over the last couple decades.

    Or a dung beetle nature pic.

    For those of us who enjoy movies and don't invest in them, who cares? As long as superhero movies continue to be well made, and it's tough to argue that the last few were anything but well done, then glut, bubble, whatever. Enjoy the ride.

    I remember the CBS morning show he was on, he always did a surprisingly funny for a morning show 'word of the day' segment. My friends and I actually made it a point to see it before leaving for school.

    It was a bit of a joke, putting the grade into perspective. Humblest apologies for the confusion.

    Just out of curiosity, does this book get a C- judged from the standard of Pratchett's best books? Or on the same spectrum that gave an A to 'The Ruins', the book about the man-eating vine and the stereotypes who it ate? Because, no.