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    I'm going to assume you meant 'Night Watch' or otherwise your point is particularly bad.

    I haven't read this yet. However, the last several Pratchett books, I read a fairly bad review and kind of put off reading what was going to be inevitably declining work of my favorite author, until I eventually got around to it with low expectations. Then found out to my surprise it was still written by Terry

    Callahan, you get results. You're good. But a law officer isn't supposed to be chaotic. Turn in your badge.

    Thanks to everyone for the ideas. Think I am going to go with Murakami.

    I am reading the AV Club comments section… because I haven't read a book in weeks, and could use a suggestion. Favorite authors: David Mitchell, Vonnegut, David Foster Wallace, George RR Martin… I've read all of their works, so not looking for suggestions from those authors, just giving an idea of my tastes.

    If you don't like football, then I suggest you watch something you do enjoy that isn't trying to sell you something. Dick.

    Israel and Palestine sure are jerks.

    After we've been talking about it a bit, I remember the sister Jude ending (which I had completely forgotten, man, I'm telling you the show had lost a LOT of my attention by that point) and it was actually not bad. I overstated my case there. I give you guys that one.

    I haven't even seen coven yet, not sure where I indicated that I had.

    No, I know what happened to them, but the answer felt like a contrived half-assed afterthought of a resolution, hence the Simpsons reference.

    Fair enough. The last six episodes were pretty much a boring blur to my wife and I. We binge watched on netflix, and I think you tend to pick up a lot more of the dropped threads on shows that way. Waiting a week or weeks between episodes you tend to forget and just let a lot more go. By the last half dozen


    Really? Because I thought the second season was pretty much a mess that petered out to a very anticlimactic finish. I'm not saying I didn't find the first half the season engaging, but it very much set up an interesting series of plotlines that never merged or came to satisfying conclusion.

    That explains two things about my cat.

    They won battles, but forcing temporary retreats or having fewer casualties in individual battles never meant they were 'winning' the overall conflict. Economically, their resources in men, money, and materiel started the war at a huge disadvantage and the disadvantage grew ever larger from the very beginning.

    He named his dick "The Chicxulube Comet"

    Who is T. Rex Galt?

    That was something of a lowering.

    So then not for another 5-6 billion years then. Right. Carry on.

    It sorta does. If you have one or two takes to work with as you work with no budget, you are limited in your editing options. Some of it was a bit painful, but I'm actually surprised they were able to do as well as they did under the circumstances.