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    That movie was grounded by the presence of the guy from Parks and Rec and some type of honey badger creature.

    For people who like reading good books: The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell. The Martian by Andy Weir

    I'm going to skip the finale and assume jax runs off to be a lumberjack and wakes up shrink wrapped to a table.

    The problem with getting too high levels is you start getting a lot of repeat questions, at which point you are unlikely to lose to a newer player and it loses all the fun. I found I had to category jump once I reached level 15 or so in any given category in order to keep it challenging and fun.

    To be fair, they do steal our children.

    "16th-century navigator"… "1722". That would be 18th Century.

    Who told you not to get insured? Who suggested that little tidbit of advice. Hmmm. Could it be… SATAN?

    This year some of my garden's heirloom black cherry tomatoes ripened to the color and size of severely bruised testicles. I believe I now have a name for them.

    "Bob is going to the store. I hope they have a good time."

    They were common among the midwest catholic community I grew up in.

    A day or so after watching Iron Man III I was discussing it with a friend, and it was like we hadn't watched the same movie. He kept bringing up 'cool parts' that I had little or no memory of even watching. I don't think I have ever tuned out so completely on a movie I was looking forward to watching.

    Presumably if they were deliberately giving the suit to someone in the US, and providing an instruction book, they would put it in English.

    So if Americans fuse Japanese food with other ingredients to create something new, it's cheese-infused crap.

    I've read the Old Man's War series and Agent to the Stars over the last year or so in between longer works by Murakami, Neal Stephenson, etc. I've enjoyed them immensely in that context.

    "An awful lot of both the dialogue and the prose is aimed at conveying as much information as possible as quickly as possible."

    Assumably her mother. Er, her dam.

    One of two things happened in A Dance with Dragons

    Lindsay Lohan

    Which is just 'Groundhog, The' in a german library.

    I think that 'learning french' episode was probably funny conceptually, but translated (ha) poorly to screen. *Joey does hilarious poor job of mimicking Phoebe's french phrase* became, literally, Joey says," foo-foo, fo foo."