
Reminds me of Damages.

Damn, really hoping they get a second season. I'm shocked at these reviews! I think something is wrong with whatever coolaid the critics are drinking right now.

Usually i agree w ur reviews but ur totally off about this one. I think u guys are biased.

Yeah. I mean they didn't even air the footage, that's whacked. I'd think they'd want the ratings bonus. it was so f-cked up an incident they didn't air it, that's a new one. Probably came to an agreement with the cops.

Im not sure why you think Coleman is so shady… I think Coleman does have Rachel's interests at heart, I just disagree with what he thinks those are. Like the other men before him, he's going to try and get her to get away from Everlasting or destroy it trying.

Coleman seemed to not want to go forward after the Quinn talk, until he heard the rape disclosure. WHy would THAT change his mind?

She was a slightly hyper/nervous person in the first place!

I actually thought Rebecca did a pretty good job, as she didn't seem too nervous, and with most anybody else it would have worked. It was a credit to just how astute Romero was that he figured it out.

whaa? No i always thought nate was ethical. What a strange assumption to make. And i dont think the police were wrong in thinking that the prof you're talking about had killed her husband when there was no documentation or collaboration of domestic abuse. Thats not the transphobia youre so eager to see, thats just due

Atari was the one episode I couldn't stand! Way too much in the past. The rest of the episodes have been great, though.

I miss Aylee. I hope they get a new lady for Mary. i was thinking about Claude, but I don't know if that's possible.

I didn't know this was based off something real! Hah. Did anybody know what cable show they were making fun of last week?

I know. I never could have imagined Kalinda dating Cary before. I liked it better when he was permanently enchanted with her. She seemed emotionally light years beyond him somehow. Now I feel she's reduced in his eyes. (Nothing against Cary.)

Like Kalinda
Also wouldn't mind seeing more of David Lee

I like them together too. I've been mad that Alicia discarded him when he's clearly so in love with her. Yes, he cheated on her but he never fell in love with anybody else. She did. They definitely still have chemistry though.

Kalinda was always my favorite character.. I could relate to her so much more than Alicia, who is like my opposite in real life. I will miss her dearly. I don't care if they under-used her (i mean I do, but it won't make me miss her any less) she shouldn't leave!

She hasn't lost Owen. He's always reaching out to her, never the other way around. And that wasn't what the critic meant or what I as asking about.

Her and Olivia Pope sure like red wine.

Hold up; you said here that her brother Owens news was horrifically tragic. But Owen knew he was sleeping with a married bare-backing porn star. I mean, I assume he did. It seemed like he knew. What about this is tragic? I know we saw them together earlier, but.. nothing about his reaction seemed to show surprise, his

"Theories as to why Elfman decided Alicia was a good candidate? I think there are a lot of possibilities, but his decision came immediately after she admitted to not really caring about helping people. Either he really admires the opposite of altruism or he’s reading something else into that situation. "