
That guy Geillis was seducing was actually her husband? Ick!

Yes, I was eyeing her scarf too! Her outfit also looked way more complex than what the red-haired sprite girl had on(she knows more than she's saying, dammit!)The blue pattered thing underneath looks modern, but what do I know.

AV Club always hates voiceovers, lol. I blame that on them having to review every Dexter episode. But to most of us, it's nice.

This is SO much better than anything Switched at Birth could hope to accomplish (and I like Switched at birth.) This is more like My So Called Life but with the wild, explosive story line.

Or less.. ahem

Also, the writers wrote in Bonnie and Jeremy coming back. They could have chosen not to do that and death would still have lots of meaning. But I liked how Jeremy could see ghosts.. and it seems like they (the writers) haven't used their own tools very well.

But I don't care about that.. I like the idea of the other side looking down on them!!

No. Sorry to break it to you, but having a son with a murdering problem is not the only real problem out there.

She said she wanted to play the character of Emma, that it was the only character she wanted, and that it's her dream job. There's even a cute blog where she (or somebody) writes from Emmas pov. It's pretty cute. http://www.aetv.com/bates-m…

As somebody who does understand those kind of real problems, I would think Norma would be happy to find somebody like George. In real life guys like that would not flock to somebody like Norma. I just don't believe that many rich bachelors without baggage would be unattached and going after somebody over 30.

Well, yeah, that part is obvious..

(the titles of the episodes)

I wonder if Hannibal was influenced by Teen Wolf this year.

"unnecessarily blatant." Bah, humbug.
"Necessarily Brutal!"

Miriam has probably been tortured to keep silent.
I loved this episode, I'm finding this season more enjoyable than season 1 (I spent too much time in season 1 worrying about Will's encephalitis.)
I don't think the sex scenes humanize "Cannibal Hannibal" because we see how cold he is (snapping his fingers to test she

"Is this show as good? No."
Is arrogance annoying? Yes.

This show should be called "Bates and Bradley." That's how essential Bradley is to this plotline, they cant just send her away on some bus and dye her hair (not liking the black hair, btw.)

I think most of us understand why Norman has a more elevated palate than Emma. Also, Emma would not think Norman was the best person in the world, she'd probably think he was a monster, and Norman needs to rescue damsels, not be rescued, so he probably won't ever notice Emma. Unless she's in trouble and suddenly

Yuck, That would cement Dylans character as awful and way too committed to getting ahead, which is just not Dylan. He is not going to kill a teenage girl. NO WAY. I will not get into Bradley's incredible importance as a character at this moment because it's probably moot to you anyway!

Bradley is the best character on the show. Ask Norman, he'll agree. And Dylan is okay with her too.