
My mouth opened in disbelief halfway through reading the LA Times article about this case and didn't close until I was done. The fact that what set it off was so incredibly petty and so incredibly indicative of a personality disorder on the crazy mom's part was literally jaw dropping.

"Problematic" as Overboard is to modern sensibilities, I fucking love that movie. Everyone in it is on fire.

III is really fun, isn't it? I need to dig out my copy.

Handsome & Gretel by Babes in Toyland. It's some fine, bitter hate.

When I got starred I called my husband at work so I could share the moment with someone, silly as it was. I haven't been out of the grays since the change but I stopped caring when they outed that private citizen for no reason.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg!

Can't help but notice that Flatliners is conspicuously absent. I doubt he wanted to hear the "J" word.

I kind of agree, even though she seems like a delightful person. I hadn't seen her in anything else before Hateful Eight but I was aware of her story and history with Tarantino. Seeing her name in the credits and wondering what she'd be like when she turned up, I was surprised to see her bouncing around like a cross

I will hear no guff about the supposed "weak seasons" of 30 Rock. I might acknowledge that some episodes are less excellent than others, but every single one of them is pretty precious to me. It's my go-to when I'm sick, sad, or pissed off. And I think Jeff Richmond's scoring is at least 50% of that. It's just a

In answer to your questions, I felt that the reason there were witches and the reason Satan was there and the reason the family was being messed with was because that's what this family (and pretty much everyone in the society they'd been living in) believed in. The mindset of the time was that everyone is full of sin

I'm super late to the party but I still feel compelled to share because I loved it so much. I loved, loved, loved it. My husband and I have been discussing it pretty much non-stop since we left the theater.

As someone who lurks and keeps seeing this I would like to agree with #2. I am a woman and every other woman I know would list "tall" in her shortlist of attractive attributes. "Tall, dark, and handsome" is a thing for a reason. And there is more than one woman out there (who is probably not significantly damaged)


I saw it there too, and was equally disappointed in how it looked. I'd been so excited. The movie was great (although I did find the ending a little anti-climactic, in spite of it going way, way over the top), but it looked like crap because they obviously didn't know how to project it.

I think he's weird looking and weirdly sexy. I did not expect to react to him that way. I think it was the costume and his height.

I really, really want to see a scene between him and his mother before this is all over.

SPOILERS, of course:

Why is no one loving Playing House? It's fucking delightful.

I don't care for the Khaleesi's wig very much. And Cersei's looked a little busted once or twice, too.

The episode with the lawyer guest might be my all-time favorite. Santa beat the shit out of Scott!