
I don't dislike Muslims. I loathe people who use their religion to perpetuate acts of violence and mass murder. My affinity for Bill Maher, who I admit can be a clownish douchebag aside, I noticed that you didn't dare respond to my other points and cited sources.
So by your assessment, if I say things I don't like

Ohhhh that Bill! Yeah I'm watching this clip and he's willing to extend understanding to the kid's plight and I guess mark cuban is an Islamaphobe too, cuz he talked to the kid, examined the situation and could see Maher's point too, right? I'm not too crazy about defending this, all I can say is that worse and

It's not the religion, it's the PEOPLE of the religion who are the problem. He's seen what Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, and of course ISIS, along with many other syndicates have committed in the name of Islam and try to radicalize others to try and do the same. Muslim extremists just captured Marawi

He doesn't conflate Islam and terrorism, it's the mass murderers who kill in the name of Islam who are doing that.

They're having it both ways and I loathe it. A lot of the Latino guys who use it are pretty hood themselves, actin like Aaron Hernandez, so I don't even bother them tho hahaha

That's hilarious. I can't tell if you're being facetious or not. How about the European sportscaster who referred to Serena Willaims as playing "guerrilla tennis" and didn't have the cultural wherewithal to understand by the way he pronounced it, that the word sounded like historical slur "gorilla" that has been used

How is he Islamophobic? He's been vocal against people committing terrorism in the name of Islam especially since it's been increasing worldwide in the past few years.

Yeah and a lot of them are Black people.

Well I understand the problem with Bill Maher saying it but my issue is the fact that there are other people in this country besides "Black" and "White" people. In NYC where I live, I see all kinds of Latino people using the term—-as if they're "down". I've seen them range from looking like Horatio Sanz to Antonio

Thank you. This is the most economical and sensible comment I've seen so far. The writer is trudging in a boatload of her own issues into this movie and it's a bit unnecessary.

Sorry I'm late but yeah that "choke" pun was a little too corny.

Hey professor—-a 100% response rate is not necessary to infer causation or even correlation. So your "everyone who was spanked would be violent" straw man argument took off like a wet fart through a paper bag. There are enough kids who I have seen—-through junior high school and high school—-who fought other kids at a

Yeah, right…what 2 year old do you know has the discipline or follow thru to go with your distractions and sit still? How do you keep them from belting out their ABC's apropos of nothing?

You are literally teaching children to solve their problems with violence. There is no way around the cause and effect of such.

"Day Without a Woman"…Hmm let's see here…It looks like most firefighters, construction workers, oil platform and refinery personnel, ranchers, farmers, truck drivers, dairy farmers, dockworkers, commercial fishers, power line electricians and even plumbers made it to work today so we were still good.

Why are you telling me to relax? This is the same blog that posted a 5 paragraph screed on the foolishness of Kelly Anne Conway as if her Whiteness instantly led her to fold her knees and shoes onto a couch. This great prolific writer seemed to have forgotten that this is the same office where Clinton engaged in oral

I'm sure you'll get over it.

"Those certain ways of a woman that are just genetically feminine" that you are talking about is their actual DNA, that determines that they are females. DNA and genetics are the reason why the trans- movement is circling their tails in a lot of ways trying to beat people in mainstream society over the head with their


Good call.