
For real, the part after Zoya dusted Fortune Cookie and the music swelled as she leapt up onto the ropes to confront who in the crowd dared to speak against her…my friend just happened to pause the stream at that moment and my heart felt so glad at the tableau of this scene-chewing performance. Alison. Brie has easily

Too bad that the citizens of Libya or relatives of the victims of wrongful drone attacks in Yemen during Obama's administration can't agree with you.

"Fuck him"

All your wisdom should be that brief.

He just spent 9 years at a taxpayer-expensed bed & breakfast with all the gym time he can handle. He good.

Halle did one role (among many dynamic, dominant roles) giving Billy Bob Thornton the business and she can't live it down among the righteous folk smh

No, Florida has agreed to accept him because he had a residence there before he was arrested and convicted.

Yes very well, it should go both ways. Those ignorant fellows are part of the reason why these women are so discouraged from pursuing and unleashing the creative capability of their kinky, coiled, bushy potential.

To answer your questions in order:

Yeah I drive for Uber/Lyft/yellow cabs and I don't dare flirt with female passengers ever since I was a newbie. Even if they taunt me to do so. I had to wait until a drunk one kissed me on the cheek before I ever really did.

Wow that anecote reminds me of the African character on Dear White People the series…so innocent and naive to the African-American cultural dead-ends…that being said, I agree with you and most of those people are really insecure in their Black supremacy.

Yeah it's only safe if you can agree with popular so-called pro-Black opinions.

Oh I forgot, we gotta keep the persecution complex going on in the Black community.

Ain't nothing wrong with a little nuance in this kinda question. Plenty white homeless men get pissed on and plenty black homeless men receive compassion. I worked in a homeless shelter in Brooklyn. I saw plenty.

Yeah they do. People in our mainstream culture are on average not nearly as traditionally religious as those in the Islamic culture.

Catch this block

Why did you post a cartoon stating a bar graph depicting Muslim terrorist acts as 463 and Christian terror acts as 3? I bet you when Muslims start killing lots of Black Americans and not just Africans then you'll care. BYE!

I meant that they don't denounce the Qurannic sources of violence in the way that people of Christian and Jewish faith discard anachronistic passages of violence, radicalization or hyper-traditional cultural elements. Maher may have an uncouth way of stating that Islam needs a reform, which I HAVE heard a few

Well it's terrible and ill-advised because it makes me less and less likely to defend him on other grounds. It also reminds me of The View, several years ago when talking about a serious topic, Barbara Walters read a quote that included the n-word which she said in full, eliciting an on-air confrontation from Sherri